March 2016
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The Buzz

The Problem With Satisfaction

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Engagement is currently a hot topic in today’s workplaces. Managers want to boost it, HR professionals want to measure it, and employees want to feel it. However, the language we use when talking about engagement is often problematic, and can lead to misunderstandings on how engaged a workforce truly is. Employees should be considered fully engaged when they are giving 100 percent of their effort, utilizing their full potential, and working to develop their skills to be even more effective. Total engagement will bring about a deep sense of fulfillment, pride, and often excitement. However, when measuring engagement, surveys often ask if employees are satisfied with their position. If an employee answers yes, that employee is often counted as being fully engaged. However, “satisfaction” is too weak of a qualifier to measure engagement, and organizations that base their engagement ratings on this will at best have an overinflated sense of how engaged their workforce truly is. While it might seem a little intimidating at first, engagement surveys should ask more probing questions and seek more honest answers from employees.

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