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Proposal Submission Period:

March 3 - March 28, 2025

Proposal Notification:

Mid-Late May 2025

Conference Dates:

Houston, TX, October 20-22, 2025


OrgDev is a three-day learning experience, held in Houston from October 20-22, where 300+ individuals come together to learn and network with their peers through educational sessions that encompass topics on culture, talent strategy and management, leadership and employee development, leveraging AI, building better strategic partnerships and more. OrgDev is designed for individuals charged with the development of people, organizational culture, and talent management who are focused on learning how to humanize their OD programs and create a productive and engaged workforce.   

Role of the OrgDev Program Advisory Committee

The OrgDev Program Advisory Committee comprises individuals from the field with significant experience in the topic areas. The committee is assigned to each topic and reviews all proposals submitted in that topic area.


The selection process follows a rigorous online review of every proposal submitted. The committee makes recommendations for selections and assists in planning other conference educational activities. A lot of proposals are submitted that could be selected. Only the very best submissions are chosen.

Proposals are selected based on the information submitted. Submitters are expected to follow the instructions carefully and supply all requested information. Missing or incorrect information could make the proposal ineligible for consideration.

Selection Criteria

The proposed session must apply to the target audience, fit into one of the topic areas, and be delivered by a speaker with substantial topic knowledge and experience facilitating learning experiences and/or speaking to large groups.

Proposals are evaluated using the following additional criteria:

  • Completeness, accuracy, and clarity of the proposal; proposals that do not follow the instructions will be ineligible.

  • Content that is current and practical.

  • Programs and initiatives that demonstrate measurable business impact and results.

  • Clear, specific, and informative content directly linked to the learning objective.

  • Outcomes can be implemented and realistically be met in the time allotted.

  • A balanced slate of speakers representing diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, organizations, and internal/external practitioners.

  • If you have spoken at a previous ATD Conference, your session evaluation scores and room counts may be factored into the selection criteria.

Session Scheduling

ATD will determine the days and times sessions are scheduled to achieve a balanced conference program.

Honoraria, Travel Expenses & Complimentary Registration

ATD is a nonprofit educational association with a responsibility to its members to manage its resources carefully. Speakers will receive two complimentary hotel nights at the conference hotel and one complimentary complete conference registration for this event.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)