ATD Membership, your Partner in Continued Learning and Professional Development

Kudos to you on receiving your new APTD/CPTD certification! As a certification recipient, you've proven your commitment to both the field and your community of talent development peers, and there is no better time to secure your access to ATD member-only resources to maintain your competitive edge and stay up to date on your re-certification requirements. The next steps after obtaining your certification are critical to your continued success, and ATD has hundreds of actionable tools and resources you need to continue to develop as a talent development professional. Continue to put your professional development first with an ATD Membership.

Complement your Certification with an ATD Membership
Take the next step in maintaining your edge with a professional ATD membership

Enter promo code 2024CERTIFIEDMEMBER at checkout to save 10% today.
Top 10 Reasons to Join ATD
Our members have countless reasons for joining ATD. We’ve compiled a Top 10 Reasons to Join ATD list to highlight those we hear about most often. From networking with like-minded professionals to learning new skills and staying up to date with industry trends, there is something for everyone! Joining ATD gives you direct access to a wealth of resources and opportunities that will help you achieve your goals.

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve gained or experienced during your membership with ATD?

"I have been a member for ATD for some time now. This is where I became a trainer, when I completed my Train the Trainer program. This is where I get the best TD updates and where I can interact with other TD pros. However, the best ATD experience was becoming a [CPTD]. I thought because I had 10 years of TD work experience under my belt that this was going to be a walk in the park. But not at all! I got a chance to share my [CPTD] journey here. "

See what other members are sharing about their professional journey's on our ATD member stories page.

Enter promo code 2024CERTIFIEDMEMBER at checkout to save 10% on your ATD Membership.
Easily earn certification renewal points, stay up to date and join a community of nearly 30,000 talent development professionals.
The Membership Speaks For Itself. Now Let's Help You Convince Your Boss!
Here are few resources to help persuade your boss that joining ATD will help add value to your own work, the work of those around you and contribute to your overall professional development.