Chapters that focus on joint membership promotional activities tend to have more joint members. This requirement will assist chapters with planning for success in this area. Many chapters are already doing a majority of these activities, and many are simple to add and maintain for continued success. For more information about joint membership activity requirements, please see the FAQs at
The online CARE submission will include a list of activities that you can check off and provide space to add any customized activities that your chapter completed. Below are resources to support you in each activity. If you have any questions about these activities, contact your Chapter Relations Manager (CRM) or National Advisor for Chapters (NAC).
Additional resources to promote joint membership may be found at
Cross-promotion is key to increasing joint membership. ATD promotes chapter membership through the chapter locator, on the ATD membership page, by our customer care team during the joining process, and more. Create an individual Power Member page or dedicate a portion of your chapter’s current membership page to the value of Power Membership.
Through shared promotion, chapter and ATD members will be more in tune with the benefits of Power Membership.
Resources and Tips:
Power Membership webpage for Wild Apricot: Use the HTML code to create the webpage and the job aid to help you facilitate the implementation process. Include your chapter’s Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code where instructed.
Power Member resources on the Chapter Leader Community (CLC) page
Incorporate a video testimonial from a Power Member into your webpage. Leverage this version from ATD or create your own!
Take advantage of the Power Member logo to draw attention to and familiarize your chapter contacts with Power Membership in routine chapter email communications.
The minimum amount of time to do so is quarterly, but additional Power Member references can be added when possible or appropriate.
Resources and Tips:
ATD Power Member Logo:
Power Member Ads: one-third page or one-half page
Spotlight a member benefit or fun fact about Power Membership and link the reader to more information.
Link to the Power Membership page on your website
Frequent and informative communications to prospective members increase the likelihood of growing joint membership.
Resources and Tips:
Top Ten Reasons to become an ATD Power Member
Change the content of each new message to expose your prospect list to the wealth of benefits included through Power Membership.
ATD Member List Request Form: ATD members are good prospects for chapter members.
Take a moment to cover Power Membership with your attendees before kicking off your program.
Use our presentations to highlight the benefits of Power Membership.
Resources and Tips:
Use rotating slides during the networking portion of your chapter programs to highlight Power Membership. Not only informative, it also serves as a conversation starter for your attendees.
Resources and Tips:
• Power Member Rotating Slides
• Power Member Benefits Table
Provide information attendees can take with them about Power Membership to share with colleagues, employers, and contacts. Additionally, use the customizable Power Membership brochure to promote your chapter and ATD. Tailor the brochure to add information relevant to your chapter, upcoming event details, and membership details. Include your chapter logo where instructed, add your chapter’s contact information, and include photos of your chapter members. Submit this form to request marketing materials from Chapter Services to distribute at you event.
Dedicate a section of your newsletter to promoting Power Membership. Whether it is a short blurb on the savings and benefits of Power Membership or information about how to join, you can ensure your members are well-acquainted with the benefits.
Resources and Tips:
Make Power Membership more visible to your members by showcasing the logo on your chapter’s home page and membership page.
Resources & Tips:
ATD Power Member Logo:
Take advantage of your chapter’s very own Power Members to highlight the benefits of joint membership. Gather testimonials that focus on how Power Membership has supported that member’s professional development.
Resources and Tips:
Share the Get to Know ATD video or the Power of Chapter and ATD Membership video at a meeting or in communications.
Social media is another great way to communicate the value of Power Membership without filling members’ inboxes. Plus, chapters have the opportunity to reach a new audience outside their prospect lists. Tweet, post, and blog about upcoming membership promotions, Power Member benefits, and more!
Resources and Tips:
Members of SIGs and GIGs also are eligible to become Power Members. Select benefits that specifically appeal to the group to encourage them to become a Power Member. ATD topics are a great way to connect SIG/GIG members with relevant ATD content to showcase the value of being a joint member.
Resources & Tips:
ATD members are great prospects for chapter members. Instead of spending time introducing prospective members to the organization, the chapter can focus more on sharing how it supports talent development at the local level. Invite prospects to upcoming events, promote chapter membership, and connect locally to build their networks.
Resources & Tips:
Benchmark your chapter’s joint membership percentage throughout the year. Request a real-time calculation from your CRM to gauge your chapter’s proximity to its goal.
Resources & Tips:
Request free ATD marketing materials for upcoming chapter events to showcase ATD benefits ranging from publications to education courses alongside chapter membership and event promotions.
Resources & Tips:
Share your chapter’s joint membership best practices with fellow chapter leaders by presenting on an area call led by your NAC, submitting an SOS, or presenting at ALC. These activities allow you to offer information and guidance to other chapters who can learn from your achievements.
Resources & Tips:
Contact your NAC to find time on an upcoming area call agenda to present.
Create a group Power Membership offering and market directly to talent development teams in your area. Demonstrate how joint chapter and ATD membership can help a staff grow their skills and make an even greater organizational impact.
Chapters with Group/Corporate Memberships:
Frequent discussion about the benefits of joint chapter and ATD membership at board meetings creates a knowledgeable team of Power Membership ambassadors to support your membership recruitment efforts.
Add a standing Power Membership topic to your board agenda and discuss specific benefits, pricing details, and ways to become a Power Member.
Take turns highlighting a different ATD member benefit at each board meeting.
A chapter conference is a great place to promote Power Membership to a significant amount of people.
Request Power Membership marketing and ATD swag from your CRM to set out at tables and add to attendee swag bags.
The chapter can invite a member of the chapter services team to attend and host a Power Membership table at the conference.
Take time before a conference session to talk about and share personal testimonies about Power Membership benefits.
Request a joint membership list from your CRM. Utilize the list to market Power Membership directly to non-ATD members of the chapter.
As a part of the Power Membership drive, use a chapter member’s personal testimony on why they became and continue to be a Power Member.
Consider tying the campaign to an important event for the chapter such as, an anniversary, Employee Learning Week (ELW) or chapter conference.
Hold an event that highlights the value of Power Membership. Utilize the available ATD webcasts, videos, research reports and other member resources to conduct the program. The program could include an info session on Power Membership, a Power Membership scavenger hunt, a book club discussing an ATD publication, or utilize a chapter social event.
Share your successful program with other chapters by submitting an SOS.
ATD Webinar
Use the ATD Benefits Center to pull a video, webcast, or other resource for an event.
Pittsburgh: Leveraging National Membership Benefit for Chapter Book Club
Guaranteeing new Power Members know the full scope of their chapter and ATD member benefits will result in a better overall membership experience.
Consider the orientation format (in person, virtual, or on-demand) and what would best meet your member needs. Utilize the chapter’s new member orientation format by shifting the content towards Power Membership.
Request an ATD member list from your CRM. Invite non-chapter ATD members to an event to showcase the benefits of joining a local chapter.
Promote the 10% power member discount through the chapter’s social media platforms, email, newsletter, and website. As a part of the Member Week, use a chapter member’s personal testimony on why they became and continue to be a Power Member. If the chapter is already on the ATD store, they can opt into the 10 percent of promotion which will support joint membership efforts and lessen administrative burdens for chapter leaders.
Resources & Tips:
Keep an eye out for promotional materials to utilize throughout the month!
Use the chapter website, newsletter, social media, and various platforms to publicize the special Power Member rate with chapter members.
Resources & Tips:
Power Member Ads: one-third page or one-half page
Post a short video promoting the value of Power Membership on your site, link to it in newsletters and email communications, and play at chapter events. You can embed the video on your chapter’s site using this code.
Create your own activity or activities for promoting Power Membership, and share the details of this effort in your CARE reporting.
Chapters that experience great success with a customized Power Membership activity also should consider submitting the best practice to the Sharing Our Success (SOS) program!
Resources & Tips: