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NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Using Instagram to Promote Board Roles

SUMMARY: To promote the chapter election process, introduce chapter members to board members, and target a broader audience for the chapter, the board used Instagram to create visibility. Board members had set questions to answer in addition to an open Q&A for viewers who had follow-up questions. These posts generated content for the chapter’s website and newsletter, and the use of the social media platform increased the chapter’s brand awareness within the New York City area.

YEAR: 2018

CHATTANOOGA CHAPTER: Vetting Process for Board Members

SUMMARY: To ensure the chapter was placing candidates into the right positions, the chapter used Survey Monkey to create an application. The chapter reviews the submissions and contacts references to get further information about the potential board member. Through the application process, the chapter ensures it provides information about the position itself so that applicants understand the role, which ultimately decreases mid-year turnover.

YEAR: 2017

CENTRAL IOWA CHAPTER: Volunteer Management

SUMMARY: The chapter formed a committee that was made up of a group of members who wanted to get actively involved in the chapter. Their main need was to seek out members to get involved with the Networking Committee and become involved with the organization through volunteering.

YEAR: 2009

SACRAMENTO CHAPTER: New Volunteer Recruiting

SUMMARY: The Sacramento chapter posted ads on Volunteer Match, JobCrank.com, and LinkedIn. The chapter received over 10 responses and many of those qualified to interview for open associate positions. Associate positions are assistants to directors with the intention of progression into the director’s role the following chapter year.

YEAR: 2009

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