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NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Driving Engagement With the Past Presidents Council

SUMMARY: To ensure that tenured chapter leaders remain engaged, the Nebraska Chapter established a Past Presidents Council. The council meets quarterly to discuss the status of the chapter and has been a valuable source of strategic advice for current board members. In addition, the council has been directly responsible for conference and program planning efforts as well as continually improving the chapter’s succession plan.

  • Nebraska - SOS Submission Form

YEAR: 2019

HOUSTON CHAPTER: Past President Engagement

SUMMARY: The chapter assigned the responsibilities of the sponsorship committee chair position to the past president with the intent of improving the relationship between and increasing the commitment of sponsors to the chapter. The shift provided consistency as relationships formed during the president’s tenure would continue to be nurtured. The chapter also designed the role so that the president elect would partner with the past president allowing for mentorship. As a result of the change, many past presidents remain engaged with the chapter and continue to volunteer for either the chapter or for ATD national committees.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: The chapter's president-elect, president, and immediate past president began meeting a few days prior to the chapter's board meeting to discuss the meeting agenda, chapter and board issues, and any additional items of importance to the chapter president. The informal meetings provide an opportunity for the past president to serve as consigliore to the president, and for the president-elect to acclimate to the role of president prior to taking office.

YEAR: 2014

BATON ROUGE CHAPTER: The President's Council

SUMMARY: The ASTDBR President's Council was established on to begin meaningful, ongoing consultation and strategy sessions for dual purposes: (1) to keep Past-Presidents involved in the Chapter as active members and (2) to utilize their knowledge and expertise of Chapter management and Chapter history in leadership roles to support the current President and Board.

YEAR: 2009

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