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NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Wild Apricot Sidekick

SUMMARY: The New York City Chapter developed an onscreen quick reference guide to support chapter leaders in creating consistent and complete event listings in Wild Apricot. Their Wild Apricot sidekick guides users through each step in the event creation process with helpful screenshots and tips. It provides an easy-to-use template to ensure volunteers have all the necessary information before publishing. The guide is hosted through a free Google Site, which houses all the documented processes and allows for instantaneous updates without draining chapter resources. The sidekick is editable and can be easily tailored to the needs of other chapters looking to implement something similar. This new tool has allowed the chapter to streamline its event creation and management process and reduce errors for members attempting to register for events.

YEAR: 2023

METRO DC CHAPTER: Website Revamp Project

SUMMARY: The director of communication took on the project of reformatting and updating the Metro DC Chapter’s website and used the director of technology and vice president of learning for extra assistance. The team aimed to make the website easier to navigate with a visually appealing look to create a customer-centric experience. The other goal of the website update was to grab the attention of and usher in a younger demographic into the chapter. After a thorough process, the website enhancements were marketed heavily through social media to generate excitement among members. After the new website launched, the chapter saw an increase in visitors, site visit duration, and revenue.

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: “Starting Soon” Manual Event Reminder Email in Wild Apricot

SUMMARY: The New York City Chapter desired to send a reminder email a few hours before chapter events as it noticed that registrants were not responding to reminder emails sent the day prior and attendance was taking a hit. To address the issue, the chapter established a job aid allowing chapter leaders to send a “starting soon” reminder email to registrants one to two hours before an event’s start time. Through the incorporation of the “starting soon” reminder email, the chapter increased registrant attendance by approximately 10 percent, averaging a 50–60 percent rate of attendance for registrants.

YEAR: 2021

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Knowledge Center on Wild Apricot Website

SUMMARY: The Knowledge Center serves as the repository for recordings and documents from chapter events and is accessible to members only through the chapter’s website. For chapter events, webinars, and SIG events, the chapter posts the slide presentation, embeds any event recordings, and uploads other documents/handouts provided at the event. Through the repository, the chapter provides members access to content and allows them to access all programming benefits that come with chapter membership.

YEAR: 2018

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