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CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER: Chapter Elections in a Digital Box

SUMMARY: To streamline chapter elections and keep members informed and involved in the process, the chapter used the collaboration portal, Moxtra. The chapter formed a virtual nominating committee and used the platform to distribute details and hold virtual meetings. The chapter also used Moxtra to hold elections, empowering chapter members with more information on the election process and giving them a deeper look into the operations of the chapter. After the committee approved the election results, a full summary was provided to members. The implementation of Moxtra addressed the need to conduct a critical part of chapter business more efficiently by providing more flexibility to the nominating committee members who were vetting the candidates.

  • Central Florida - SOS Submission Form

  • Central Florida - Call For Nominations Email Template

  • Central Florida - Request for Nominations Email Template

  • Central Florida - Updated Bylaws with Election Process

  • Central Florida - Election Results Summary

YEAR: 2018

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Interview Guides for Board Roles
SUMMARY: Through the development of interview guides, the chapter’s nominating committee was better able to focus on candidate interviews and evaluating responses rather than on the process. The guides provided a consistent way to accurately evaluate, compare, and select candidates to fill board roles. The compilation of all necessary documents in one packet helped to ensure consistency and reduced the time needed for interviewers to get up to speed.

  • New York City - SOS Submission Form

  • New York City - Interview Guide for Board Roles

YEAR: 2018

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