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SUMMARY: Beginning in 2020, the Rochester Chapter committed to making diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) central to chapter operations and incorporating it into the ATD Talent Development Capability Model. Over the next two years, the chapter brought on a VP of DEI as a standalone board position, founded a DEI community of practice to discuss the intersection of DEI and leadership and development, and explored diversifying chapter membership and bringing a DEI lens into existing programming. As part of their commitment to facilitating productive conversation around DEI, the board also developed a set of dialogue guidelines to be shared with the chapter. Additionally, the chapter hosted both a mini conference on DEI and a series of inclusion labs where participants discussed issues like inclusive language, policies, and instructional design, as well as developed practical tools to bring equitable practices into the field. Over time, these DEI-centered activities have helped increase member engagement, recruit new members, and generate positive feedback from attendees.

YEAR: 2022

SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER: Integrating DEI Practices Into Monthly Events

SUMMARY: To strengthen their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter developed a strategy to find speakers from underrepresented groups and encourage presenters to connect their topics to DEI. By proactively recruiting speakers from diverse backgrounds, they ensured a greater variety of voices were featured in chapter programming. Furthermore, by reaching out to speakers in advance and asking them to explicitly discuss the DEI implications of their topics during their presentations, they integrated a DEI lens into regular chapter programming throughout the year. As a result, the chapter held 14 events that specifically touched on DEI throughout 2021. Their member survey indicated that 91 percent of chapter members feel welcome at chapter events.

YEAR: 2022

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Creating a Quick and Easy Chapter Podcast

SUMMARY: The Greater Atlanta Chapter created a podcast to build a network of experts to collaborate with and make talent development concepts accessible to the chapter. The chapter created a recording setup and found guests by having the board submit names and topics. They use a hosting site to upload and host the podcast then market it on social media and at chapter events. Within the first month of publishing, the podcast had 100 downloads. They have also had more than 15 people reach out and agree to be speakers and have included an appearance on the podcast as a benefit of chapter sponsorship.

YEAR: 2021

METRO DC CHAPTER: Beltway Broadcast Podcast

SUMMARY: The Metro DC Chapter was looking for more ways to engage its members and the talent development community. A team started The Beltway Podcast. The team (also known as the “Podsquad”) represents chapter volunteers who also serve in board positions: the 2021 vice president of learning, vice president of finance, director of technology and operations, and director of virtual program. They created a formal process to ensure the podcast’s continuity and professionalism to promote it and future-proof it, which ensures it will remain relevant for future boards as well as connected to chapter initiatives. The podcast gives members and nonmembers alike, consistent access to talent development-related tips, recommendations, practical advice, and knowledge-sharing in a fun and creative way. The podcast has 30 episodes out with 1,009 downloads from 31 states and 26 countries.

YEAR: 2021

SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER: Incorporating Diversity Through Partnerships

SUMMARY: The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter was looking to create a community that feels welcoming to all members of the talent development community. The chapter fostered a relationship with the local chapter of the National Association for African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR). Through conversations and active listening, both chapters uncovered opportunities for shared purposes. The chapter invited members of the NAAAHR to select events as guests, co-hosted events, co-promoted events, and featured their speakers at chapter events. The chapter had more event engagement and was able to have several senior leaders who were NAAAHR members be speakers or panelists at events and were able to offer members access to relevant NAAAHR events as guest members.

YEAR: 2021


SUMMARY: The West Michigan Chapter was feeling the loss of engagement and community from not having in-person networking time after events when they moved to virtual programming. To continue to develop relationships, the chapter conducted a Trivia Night focused on debunking myths within the talent development community. This was a short professional event where they could learn while having fun as a community. They created ten questions around common myths that they personally have been guilty of or have heard recently. They then debunked the myths and highlighted the benefits of each point to the audience. The chapter event attracted two new chapter members and one new board member.

YEAR: 2021

NEW MEXICO CHAPTER: On-Demand Learning Using YouTube

SUMMARY: The New Mexico Chapter wanted to meet its chapter members’ needs for virtual programming. Knowing that Zoom fatigue was settling in, the chapter decided to experiment with on-demand learning. Chapter leaders filmed an interview with Pamela Fuller of FranklinCovey and author of The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias. By filming the interview and posting it on the chapter’s YouTube channel, they reached a wider audience and added value to its membership. In just one month, the video has 65 views, and the chapter has received positive reaction from members.

YEAR: 2021


SUMMARY: The Rocky Mountain Chapter created a member-only benefit on its website for a talent development book swap. Books about the industry can sometimes be expensive, and the chapter had a few members retiring who were looking to give away their books. To simplify the process, the chapter created a member-only webpage and forum through which they can request books or post the books they would like to give away. The members work with each other directly to determine pick up/drop off of books. When the chapter returns to in-person meetings, the goal is to establish a library for the chapter. This strategy created an added bonus for members and provided and opportunity increase learning at little to no cost.

YEAR: 2021

FORT WORTH/MID-CITIES CHAPTER: Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Chapter

SUMMARY: The chapter had been engaging members through virtual programming as per their local and state restrictions for the majority of 2020. Once restrictions began to lift, the chapter started looking at what options it had to host programs.* As eager as the chapter was to get back to in-person meetings, the board knew a virtual meeting option would need to be incorporated. To host a hybrid event allowing for in-person and virtual attendance, the chapter used two tripods and set up an iPad and iPhone for the video stream live on Zoom. The chapter also purchased a wireless microphone, which was imperative for maintaining the audio quality. In a strictly virtual format, event attendance began to dwindle; however, the hybrid offering totaled 25 attendees, with 15 attending in person.

*Please note, the chapter went through an extensive risk-management assessment and followed all state, local, and Centers for Disease Control guidelines to host an in-person event. Please see the chapter’s Risk Assessment SOS for more details.

YEAR: 2021


SUMMARY: The chapter’s most-attended event each year is its annual talent development panel. To better accommodate a virtual environment, the chapter hosted a TED-like event focused on the Talent Development Capability Model. Two to four presenters would each have 12–15 minutes to share their knowledge and experience. The chapter kept the event affordable by generating $900 in event sponsorship, which exceeded the original goal of $600. Due to the sponsorships, the event was free to chapter members and the cost was significantly reduced for nonmembers, from $40 to $5. The chapter had 37 event attendees, of which included 13 were nonmembers, who rated the event a five out of five in satisfaction.

YEAR: 2021

METRO DC CHAPTER: Virtual Networking Happy Hour Series

SUMMARY: To empower members to learn about specific capabilities from ATD’s Talent Development Capability Model, the Metro DC Chapter created a structured networking event happy hour series that encouraged learning in a fun and social atmosphere. Each event starts with an introduction along with a set of slides to foster a connected, virtual experience. The event continues with the opportunity for participants to connect and share their top-of-mind items. The moderator then transitions into an interactive game based on a specific talent development capability. The chapter has additional support staff who helps with technical items and an assigned “chief fun officer” (virtual programs volunteer) to help when the session’s energy needs a little bit of bump. The happy hour series has kept the chapter connected in a virtual setting and encouraged members to volunteer.

YEAR: 2021


SUMMARY: Six regional chapters including Eastern Pennsylvania, Greater Philadelphia, Northern New Jersey, Mid New Jersey, Long Island, and New York City joined their resources to expand and offer a wide range of programming topics. All chapter members, regardless of the chapter, can join an event for free or for the price of the host chapter member pricing. The chapters created a detailed action plan with guides on the implementation of event setup and pricing structure. Each chapter hosted two events, as a chapter must host the event for it to count toward the CARE element of hosting six professional development activities throughout the year. The partnership has expanded the value of chapter membership and allowed chapter members to network with other talent development professionals across the region.

Year: 2020

GREATER CHATTANOOGA CHAPTER: Partnerships Without Boundaries

SUMMARY: The Greater Chattanooga Chapter partnered with the Mobile SHRM chapter in Alabama to offer various virtual programming that caters to the talent development community and the human resource–focused professionals within the chapter. Both organizations were looking to expand membership value by offering HR Certification Institute (HRCI), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD), and Certified Professional Talent Development (CPTD) recertification credits. By partnering on events, both organizations offer various recertification credits for one event. The partnership has given the chapter the ability to reach beyond state borders to provide a quality membership experience to its own members.

YEAR: 2020

NASHVILLE CHAPTER: Supporting Professionals in Transition During a Pandemic

The Nashville Chapter created a three-pronged approach to supporting the Nashville talent development community during the pandemic. First, the board created a free three-month membership for all membership types. Second, the chapter created a virtual forum series to give members space to discuss the pandemic’s challenges. Lastly, the chapter created a virtual coffee chat series offered twice a month to connect members for resume reviews, virtual interview tips, and self-care tips, and more. The chapter has seen an increase in participation from 30 attendees a month pre-COVID-19 to between 75–90 attendees a month by August 2020.

YEAR: 2020

SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER: Virtual TD Talks: Going Online Overnight

The South Florida Chapter quickly adjusted its Virtual TD Talk series to center around the growing need of chapter members to learn how to convert learning content to an online delivery. Additionally, the chapter provided weekly learning and professional development opportunities and increased speaking opportunities for the talent development community. The additional effort toward the Virtual TD Talks kept chapter members engaged and connected to their community while giving them a space to learn new skills.

YEAR: 2020

HAWAI'I CHAPTER: ATD Hawai’i Responds to Systemic Racism

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) are vital within talent development and the workplace. The Hawai’i Chapter knew it needed to address DE&I within its community and foster awareness of implicit bias and systemic racism. The chapter partnered with other nonprofits to hold a panel-led webinar, The Leadership We Need Now: How to Take Action Against Systemic Racism. The webcast had 271 people attend the live session and 163 view the recording.

YEAR: 2020

GREATER BOSTON CHAPTER: Build a Process to Deliver Thriving Virtual Events

The Boston Chapter created a standard operating procedure to streamline virtual events utilizing Google Drive. Using the collaboration platform to manage and organize event information, the process offers specific instructions to the chapter leaders responsible for creating and marketing events to ensure a smooth rollout. The chapter found success using the virtual events standard operating procedure with its Measurement Special Interest Group (SIG). The SIG’s in-person event planned for April quickly shifted to a four-part web series via Zoom using the virtual events standard operating procedure. The standard operating procedure is considered a catalyst in the SIG’s growth, from 20 members participating in person in 2019 to more than 80 members now participating virtually.

YEAR: 2020

ST. LOUIS CHAPTER: Free Virtual Programming During Covid-19

The St. Louis Chapter led a partnership with the Detroit, Ann Arbor, Central Indiana, Central Ohio, Chicagoland, Detroit, and West Michigan chapters to offer free virtual programming for its members during the month of April. Labeled “Free April,” the series consisted of 15 one-hour programs focusing on how to manage the evolving training function during a difficult and challenging time and features topics such as “Engaging Virtual Learning,” “When Online Is the Only Way,” “Leadership in Times of Uncertainty,” “Using Visual Body Language to Engage Others in Virtual Environments,” and more. The chapter’s Level 1 evaluation scores averaged 4.5 out of five, and the chapters are considering continuing the collaboration throughout the remainder of the year.

YEAR: 2020

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Connecting Our Community via LinkedIn

The New York City Chapter begins every chapter event helping their attendees connect with one another through LinkedIn. As attendees arrive, they are reminded to download and open the LinkedIn app and turn on their phone’s Bluetooth. A chapter member facilitates the activity by explaining the “Find Nearby” function on the app, while other chapter members walk around the room to assist attendees. This practice allows participants to easily and immediately connect on LinkedIn during the short activity. By enabling attendees to connect, the chapter forms a stronger community during and after each chapter event.

YEAR: 2020

MADISON AREA CHAPTER: Adjusting to Online Event Needs

Due to COVID-19 and the new social distancing guidelines, the Madison Area Chapter recognized the immediate need to shift its monthly chapter event to a virtual platform. Rather than overwhelm the scheduled presenter to shift from a classroom format to an online environment, the chapter leveraged the talents of its board to quickly develop a program, Virtual Meeting Tools and Best Practices. The program provided an overview of virtual training, best practices, opportunities for virtual engagement, and an open forum for questions and discussion. The chapter held the event for free through the chapter’s Zoom account and invited other local groups. Four days after announcing the event, registration quickly hit the limit of 100 participants. To accommodate all interested attendees, the chapter held two sessions that attracted 140 participants and more than 90 recording views just days following the live program.

YEAR: 2020

SOUTH CAROLINA MIDLANDS CHAPTER: Midland Education and Business Alliance

SUMMARY: In 2017, members of the South Carolina Midlands Chapter Board voted to establish a nonprofit partnership with the Midlands Education and Business Alliance (MEBA). MEBA's mission is to “connect students of all ages, parents, and educators to career opportunities through business partnerships, training and resources.” The South Carolina Midlands Chapter identified alignment in MEBA’s mission, and the chapter offered to provide volunteers to speak at schools through the MEBA partnership. In 2018, the chapter launched the Soft Skills Summit, a mini conference experience for high school sophomores in three under-served districts in MEBA's network. In 2019, the chapter held the second annual Soft Skills Summit, expanding the offering to include a second keynote and an additional 20 students. The experience allowed chapter members to serve the community while perfecting their talent development skills.

YEAR: 2020

MADISON AREA CHAPTER: Coffee and Credentialing— A Certification Conversation

SUMMARY: The Madison Area Chapter dedicated the month of October 2019 to conversations around ATD certification and credentialing. The chapter set up a coffee shop Q&A with credential holders from the chapter board. Those who shared their experience, promoted the Associate Professional in talent Development (APTD) and Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) to members framing ATD certifications as powerful career development opportunities for talent development professionals. The event had more than 20 attendees and fostered an open conversation around the certification process. The chapter kept event costs low by holding the gathering at a local business and paying for attendees’ coffee by requesting supporting marketing materials from ATD chapter services.

YEAR: 2020

DETROIT CHAPTER: Networking in a Box

SUMMARY: The Detroit Chapter desired to encourage networking at events in a structured way to respect the time of both speakers and attendees. To achieve this goal, the chapter compiled a networking activities toolbox of nine activities to be used during any event or chapter meeting. Activities in the toolkit include a networking scavenger hunt, bingo, tabletop questions, perfect pair questions, and a casting call activity. Because of these activities, the chapter encouraged interaction amongst professionals, allowing for relationship-building and engagement. Consequently, ratings on event evaluations have improved by 15 percent and attendee arrival prior to presentation time has improved.

YEAR: 2020


SUMMARY: The chapter held a free virtual roundtable through which members and guests shared a bit about themselves and the projects they are working on to seek help on their respective work. Through the event, the chapter endeavored to foster a sense of community among local professionals and create more intimate connections. As a direct result of the roundtable, several members connected offline to learn more from one other another and continue their conversations. The event received positive feedback from attendees and led to insights on possible topics and speakers for the coming year.

YEAR: 2020

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: “Let’s Talk About . . . ” Chapter Event Format

SUMMARY: To streamline its event planning process, the Bay Colonies Chapter desired to create an event that it could repurpose each year leading to the creation of the “Let’s Talk About . . . ” event. The event starts with an overview of the main topic selected based on current needs and industry trends. The main topic is then broken down into five discussion areas set up around the room, and each attendee participates in three of those discussions. Brief introductions are made upon arriving at different tables, and each table leader facilitates the discussion so that all attendees have an opportunity to peer share. In 2019, the chapter “Let’s Talk About . . . ” event focused on diversity and inclusion. Forty-nine people attended the event (30 members and 19 non-members), representing 52 percent of the chapter’s membership. Through the “Let’s Talk About . . . ” format, the chapter increased networking opportunities, allowed attendees the ability to choose their adventure, and involved local community members as facilitators and table leaders.

YEAR: 2020

SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER: Excellence in Strategic Partnerships

SUMMARY: In an effort to help shape talent development efforts regionally, the chapter proactively pursued a relationship with the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC), a key private-sector partner for economic development with 1,800 member businesses with more than 300,000 employees. The chapter worked with the MMAC to co-promote the chapter’s event, “Leaders of Learning Forum: Digital Disruption and How It Impacts Workforce Development.” The publicity of the event garnered 16 nonmember attendees, and two new members. In addition, the chapter's members are eligible to participate in all MMAC member benefits. In 2020, the partnership will continue with the chapter participating in the MMAC-hosted Talent Matters series.

YEAR: 2020


SUMMARY: The chapter desired to host social activities that subtly included learning moments. These events typically feature four components: food and drink, learning, networking, and a leader’s learning journey. The events fostered community in settings that differed from the chapter’s traditional programming and allowed members to see that learning and development can occur in unexpected places.

YEAR: 2020

CENTRAL OHIO CHAPTER: Emerging Professionals Showcase and Look and Learn

SUMMARY: The chapter developed a program with two distinct goals: provide emerging professionals with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and get feedback from coaches in the industry and support the growth of talent development professionals through experiencing and asking questions of tenured professionals who created unique programs. The first half of the evening was dedicated to emerging professionals who delivered 15-minute presentations and received targeted feedback from a panel of coaches. The second half of the evening featured a “Look and Learn” where attendees took a gallery walk and viewed examples of eLearning designed local to the Central Ohio area. The program had 31 attendees, 17 virtual participants, and increased awareness of the chapter in the local community.

YEAR: 2019

SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER: Partnering With Organizational Members for Certification Revenue Sharing

SUMMARY: The chapter planned to host a gamification certification with an external vendor which offered a revenue sharing agreement allowing the chapter to make a profit off the event. Following outreach to the chapter’s organizational members, the chapter identified one member organization interested in sending more than ten members to the program. The chapter arranged for the vendor to host two events, one specifically for the organization member’s audience and a public event for anyone in the area. By introducing the organization to the vendor and booking back-to-back events, the vendor saved on travel expenses allowing the chapter to increase its revenue share. Ultimately, net revenue for the program grew from $3,000 to $4,500 and attendance increased from 20 participants to 35.

YEAR: 2019

DETROIT CHAPTER: Chapters Unite to Market and Feed the Need for Lifelong Learning

SUMMARY: The Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Greater Toledo Chapters collaborated to organize an outing to a Detroit Tigers game. The outing was linked to the Detroit chapter’s back-to-school supplies drive, which enabled the chapters to secure complimentary tickets from the Tigers’ Foundation and give back to the community. Members had the opportunity to bring their families and connect with one another. Additionally, the chapters were recognized during the game on the scoreboard, through swag that was distributed at the event, and through promotion on social media.

YEAR: 2019

NEW MEXICO CHAPTER: Partnering for Programs With Sister Organizations

SUMMARY: Many of the New Mexico Chapter’s members are government employees with limited professional development budgets that prevent them from attending larger industry conferences. To showcase takeaways from the eLearning Guild’s 2018 DevLearn Conference, the chapter collaborated with local organizations to host a joint event facilitated by a conference attendee. In collaboration with the International Society for Performance Improvement, International Coaching Federation, and University of New Mexico, the New Mexico Chapter showcased industry best practices in an affordable and convenient location. The chapter received glowing feedback about the event and gained several new members.

YEAR: 2019

SAN DIEGO CHAPTER: Applying Human-Centered Design at Work and ATD

SUMMARY: Board members wanted to collect feedback to redesign the chapter’s programs but feared they would not receive substantial responses through the annual membership survey. To collect better data, the chapter hosted an event on human-centered design that focused on the chapter’s “end user,” its members. The event allowed members to learn more about the methodology while providing invaluable feedback that led the chapter to redesign its website, establish a membership committee, and identify potential program topics.

YEAR: 2019

LOS ANGELES CHAPTER: Brain Exchange and New Year Networking Mixer

SUMMARY: The chapter organized a new year networking mixer that provided local professionals with an opportunity to exchange ideas, showcase their talents, and connect with one another. Facilitators asked attendees to come prepared to share a tip, tool, or piece of advice that they had implemented at their workplaces with a 90-second time limit. As an added bonus, attendees explained how their tips tied into an area of expertise from the ATD Competency Model. Overall, the event enabled the chapter to reengage its membership while balancing the capabilities of a small leadership team. As a result of the mixer, the chapter gained 19 new members and sold out its February program.

YEAR: 2019


SUMMARY: The chapter launched the “All Things” event series in an effort to spend a month diving deep into all things related to a specific topic in the talent development field. In November 2018, the chapter focused on coaching and organized a related series of blog posts and a live Facebook event, which involved posting short videos and statements along with a five-minute livestream. The live event reached over 500 people, views of the chapter’s Facebook page increased by 360 percent, and post engagements are up by 5,000 percent. The “All Things” series has greatly increased member engagement and also provides professional development opportunities for nonmembers.

YEAR: 2019

NEW YORK CITY CHAPTER: Coaching Center of Excellence

SUMMARY: ATD New York City’s Coaching Center of Excellence (CCoE) is dedicated to promoting leading-edge thinking, developing the highest professional standards, and advancing excellence in the art and science of coaching as it relates to talent development. The CCoE, along with the Coaching Special Interest Group (SIG), serve as a community of practice for the chapter’s members who are interested in coaching, providing high-quality professional development, knowledge sharing, and learning and networking opportunities. The CCoE’s director is also a coach who hosts webinars, events, and workshops. The CCoE also offers one-on-one coaching, peer-to-peer coaching, and group coaching supervision with the goal of delivering strategic value to stakeholders and developing internal leaders while making its chapter members the best that they can be.

YEAR: 2018

CENTRAL OHIO CHAPTER: Employee Learning Week Proclamation and Initiative

SUMMARY: The Central Ohio Chapter partnered with other Ohio-based ATD chapters to promote Employee Learning Week (ELW) through a three-tiered plan. The chapter received a proclamation from the governor of Ohio to recognize the first week in December as Employee Learning Week for the state. To further support the week, the chapter started a conversation on Twitter about ELW and reached out to national members in the area to promote Power Membership within central Ohio. The chapter saw a 50 percent increase in attendance and a 100 percent attendance rate of those who registered at its first meeting in January.

YEAR: 2018

MADISON AREA CHAPTER: State of the Chapter Annual Survey Meeting

SUMMARY: To empower professionals to develop themselves and their company, the Madison Area Chapter holds a “State of the Chapter” annual survey meeting. During the meeting, the chapter gathers feedback from members and potential members outside of the annual survey and provides a venue to share operational information on the chapter addressed in Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE). The chapter garnered quality feedback on how to engage with its membership, topic ideas for monthly programs, and two new board members from the meeting.

YEAR: 2018

MID-NEW JERSEY CHAPTER: Technology Showcase

SUMMARY: To expose members to new and emerging technology in the field, the chapter created a technology showcase program, where approximately 10 vendors displayed their products and services throughout the day. The chapter also developed four speaker presentations and recruited a host sponsor to offset costs; this year’s sponsor was DeVry University. The chapter has hosted this event for eight years and attributes the program’s success to a 30 percent nonmember to member conversion rate and a profit margin of 75 percent, allowing the chapter to fund the majority of the year’s activities.

YEAR: 2018

MARYLAND CHAPTER: Virtual Networking

SUMMARY: To increase member engagement and attract new members, the chapter hosted a virtual networking opportunity. The director of programs invited a career coach to present on “Designing Your Career.” The attendees also shared virtual business cards so they could continue their connections formed at the event. Because the event allowed for exposure to a broader audience, a majority of the attendees were not yet members of the chapter. As a result, the chapter is exploring partnering with the Maryland Career Development Association again in the future.

YEAR: 2018

NEW MEXICO CHAPTER: Annual Alliance Networking Event

SUMMARY: Each year, the chapter sponsors a networking event, the Professional Alliance Mixer, with alliance organization members and university partners. The event is intended to strengthen the New Mexico talent development community and form collaborations of like-minded professionals with the goal of a better-developed workforce that has a direct effect on the economic development of central New Mexico. A local restaurant donates the venue, and one or two members from each alliance organization works with the chapter to assist with coordination, marketing, and planning of the event. The mixer has increased chapter membership (with up to five members joining after each event) as well as publicity for the chapter. Any profit generated from the event is split between the professional organizations.

YEAR: 2018

NEW MEXICO CHAPTER: Bringing ATD International Conference & Exposition Highlights to Local Chapter Members

SUMMARY: Since not everyone can attend the ATD International Conference & Exposition, the chapter has created a yearly event to bring the conference content back to the local community. This year, following an icebreaker, the two board members who attended the conference presented on the content they learned. As an added benefit, the chapter made conference content available to Power Members. The chapter leaders brought back giveaways from the EXPO for attendees and to promote ATD 2019. To keep the event fun and engaging, the chapter changes the theme yearly.

YEAR: 2018

CUYAHOGA VALLEY CHAPTER: Bring Your Own Laptop Workshops

SUMMARY: On the chapter’s membership survey, Elearning and instructional design were the top two areas members wanted more programming in. The chapter created three workshops and to be cost efficient, asked members to bring their own laptops. This allowed the chapter to offer a hands-on workshop promoting the free trial of the software so those that did not have it could still participate. The chapter greatly reduced their venue cost and it opened up different options for venues. The board found the hands-on meetings to be the most profitable yet.

YEAR: 2018

CUYAHOGA VALLEY CHAPTER: Driving Individual Development using the ATD Competency Model

SUMMARY: In an effort to highlight the value of Power Membership and the resources available through the ATD website, the chapter developed a workshop while leveraging the tools available on TD.org to create personal development plans based on the ATD Competency model. The event helped promote upcoming chapter programs and workshops by tying each program to a skill area on the competency model. Participants felt it helped them learn more about ATD and the resources available.

YEAR: 2018

FLORIDA SUNCOAST CHAPTER: Partnering With the Economic Development Corporation (Forum)

SUMMARY: To promote the chapter’s membership to local businesses, the chapter partnered with the local Economic Development Corporation after it received an invitation to attend the organization’s luncheon. The partnership proved to be successful in getting the chapter name out to the larger community and raised awareness of the chapter, resulting in 10 new members and one new sponsor. Several additional groups have contacted the chapter about potential partnerships.

YEAR: 2018


SUMMARY: At each of the monthly events, the chapter gives away a speaker-selected book that the winner can grow from through reading and a basket with two bottles of wine. The giveaway helps promote the profession while making it fun. The chapter collects attendees' business cards, and the speaker randomly selects a card to identify the “Read Between the Wines” winner. The speaker gets to keep the business cards for networking and/or for possible prospecting. Anecdotal feedback from both speakers and attendees shows that all parties enjoy the initiative.

YEAR: 2017

CHARLOTTE CHAPTER: Membership Guest Passes

SUMMARY: Chapter members received five guest passes to chapter events at the beginning of the year. The chapter configured its website so that a member can register a guest or the guest can register themselves. Guests simply list the name of the person who invited them during registration, and the chapter handles tracking on the backend. During the event, guests have an opportunity to stand up, introduce themselves, and share who or what brought them to the event. To incentivize members bringing guests, the chapter has a quarterly drawing for a free registration to its Day of Learning conference or a one-year chapter membership. As a result, the number of guests attending meetings more than doubled from 2016 (51 guests in 2016, to 120 in 2017), and the conversion rate of guests to members increased by 3 percent (12 percent in 2016, to 15 percent in 2017). The chapter reached a record number this year with 26 guests at one event!

YEAR: 2017

MEMPHIS CHAPTER: Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work Virtual Presentation

SUMMARY: The Memphis Chapter hosted a virtual presentation about building effective relationships by Todd Davis of Franklin Covey at Bethel University. Thirty-two people attended the event in person and the presentation was live streamed. It was an interactive session and participants had the ability to ask questions during the presentation. Based on survey results, the program received positive feedback, and networking was successful with several different companies in attendance.

YEAR: 2017


SUMMARY: “Sip of ATD” is a networking event put on by the chapter as a monthly program. The event is held at a local winery with tables and wine barrels set up as stations where attendees could stop by, get information, ask questions, and network. The stations included Power Membership information, ATD 2017 attendees offering their takeaways from the conference, and information from an educational sponsor. The attendees had the chance to participate in a wine tasting, and the chapter provided appetizers as attendees networked. The evening ended with giveaways, including a donation of two carafes on behalf of the winery that the winners could fill up with their favorite wine. The chapter received very favorable feedback about the event, the educational sponsor received publicity, and the chapter met its Power Membership requirement shortly after the event.

YEAR: 2017

CHICAGOLAND CHAPTER: Multilocation Member Networking Event

SUMMARY: Due to Chicago being a large metropolitan area, the chapter struggles with recruiting members to attend networking events. The chapter desired to identify a way to have an event attended by many people while maintaining coordination and cohesiveness and adhering to budget constraints. The chapter held events in multiple locations at the same time so members could network in their local area rather than traveling across the city. The chapter had a great turnout and found members enjoyed getting to know a smaller group in their local area.

YEAR: 2017

SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER: Emerging Leaders Leadership Series

SUMMARY: The San Antonio Chapter partnered with the San Antonio Chapter of Prospanica, an affiliate of the national organization that directly supports the growth and development of Hispanic professionals. The partnership included support from Barbara Greene and Associates and came together based on various needs assessments from both ATD San Antonio and Prospanica San Antonio. The assessments inspired the design and development of a program to assist growing professionals’ ability to create their own program to help growing professionals identify and shadow leadership role models, and provided information on the important distinction between leadership and management. Most important, the series provided tools, techniques, and best practices to program participants on how they can best achieve goals without sacrificing their positive perspective or personal brand.

YEAR: 2017

CENTRAL IOWA CHAPTER: ATD Central Iowa and Grand View University Leadership Lecture and Student Membership Event

SUMMARY: ATD Central Iowa partnered with Alec Zama, associate professor of business at Grand View University in Des Moines and director of the school's leadership credential, to provide a guest lecture and panel interview for his principles of management class. The lecture was titled "The Five Cs of Leadership," and focused on five hallmarks of healthy and effective leadership. For each of these leadership tenets, students were given examples of why they were important, example interview questions on the topic they could expect to face in the future, and guidance on how they could develop these leadership traits in themselves in both a collegiate and professional setting. Following the lecture, a panel interview was conducted with former and current board members of the Central Iowa Chapter so that students could ask questions directly of professionals in the talent development field.

YEAR: 2017

NEBRASKA CHAPTER: Creating a Sustainable Model for Trainer’s Institute

SUMMARY: Due to declining registrations for one of the chapter’s signature programs, Trainer’s Institute, the board decided to reexamine the program’s effectiveness and appeal. The Trainer’s Institute is a program designed to enhance the industry knowledge, skills, and tool sets of chapter members who are new or experienced talent development professionals. The chapter surveyed membership and found that it needed to change the focus from industry trends back to foundational competencies. With this feedback in mind, the board revamped the program, created a communication strategy, set clear expectations for speakers, streamlined the speaker proposal process, and focused on real world applications. As a result of this overhaul process, the chapter saw a significant increase in registration and revenue, and created a sustainable model for the Trainer’s Institute. Lessons learned included the need to include more case studies, set dates several months ahead of time, have a good marketing plan, set expectations for speakers, secure volunteers for the proposal review process, set competitive pricing, and use the participant feedback they chapter receives.

YEAR: 2017

NORTHEAST WISCONSIN CHAPTERChanging Venues and Improving the Community

SUMMARY: The chapter moved its programming and board meeting venue from a local hotel to a local nonprofit organization, the Goodwill, in order to reduce its costs from approximately $4,000 to $1,000 per year. By reallocating these costs, the chapter is better positioned to achieve its 2016 focus of bringing its members more valuable learning programs with a strategic focus that involves both local and national talent. Additionally, the new location provides the community with an increased awareness of the Goodwill’s mission, and has resulted in members bringing items to donate to the chapter’s events.

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: The chapter hosted a full-day, back office tour of the Dollywood Training and Development facility. During this event, members learned best practices for employee onboarding and training for success. The event aligned with the chapter’s mission and guided participants to develop better training initiatives to add to their facilitation tool box. There was no cost to the chapter, and the organization provided a lunch for participants. The event had the largest attendance in recent history with full participant engagement during the event.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Idea Swaps in Coffee Shops

SUMMARY: The chapter plans a quarterly opportunity for a small group of members and prospective members to gather in the morning at a local coffee shop. The attendees discuss two main topics: “What are you currently working on?” and “What is your biggest challenge right now and how can the group help?” The chapter selects local coffee shops that met the geographic preferences of members and had ample seating. The event is capped at 10 participants due to space restrictions and the desire for an intimate discussion setting. A chapter board member is present to act as an ambassador for guests and to facilitate discussion. The event is promoted in the chapter’s monthly newsletter, at chapter events, through word of mouth, and social media. While time is required to plan promotional announcements, there is no cost to the chapter. These small meetings engage participants in the chapter and subsequently helped increase membership.

YEAR: 2016

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER: Adding Young Professionals to Your Membership

SUMMARY: To attract younger talent development professions, the chapter created a Young Professionals Community of Practice. The initial event for young professionals under 40 was held last year. Several board members attended and chatted with each attendee to ensure they knew about the chapter’s mission and goal of recruiting younger professionals to the chapter. Board members spoke about the benefits of volunteering as a key to their elevator pitch. Of the more than 40 attendees to the event, the chapter gained 25 new members and 10 young professional members to volunteer roles. Several new members have also taken on leadership positions and one has been appointed to the 2017 Executive Board.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Let ATD-CIC Take You Out to the Ballgame!

SUMMARY: In the summer of 2015, the chapter provided a fun evening event for people to network and have fun in a non-traditional setting. The chapter hosted an event at the ballpark with the local minor league baseball team, the Indianapolis Indians. Following its philosophy of “Connect, Learn and Share,” the event’s purpose was to build awareness around the recent chapter’s rebranding while providing a fun and family friendly opportunity for members to connect and network with one another. Each attendee was provided a branded t-shirt that had the new logo on it, and the group’s attendance was announced on the jumbotron.

YEAR: 2016

MARYLAND CHAPTER: Coffee Conversations

SUMMARY: The chapter noticed a decline in membership and aimed to ramp up participation. The Director or Professional Development started Coffee & Conversations held once a month on Saturday mornings at Panera. The facilitator selects a topic that ties into the monthly meeting. The gathering is two hours, and registration is limited to 10 people. The chapter provides nametags for the event and advertises the gathering on its website. It also has a live Facebook feed run by a board member attending the event. The chapter has seen an increase in membership and member engagement.

YEAR: 2016

CENTRAL INDIANA CHAPTER: Employee Learning at the World’s Largest Children’s Museum

SUMMARY: The Children’s Museum is known for its outstanding, innovative approach to employee learning for museum staff. The museum’s Director of Training invited the chapter for a behind-the-scenes peek at learning in action. The purpose of the program was to provide a unique setting for the chapter’s monthly educational program, and give attendees a firsthand look at how the whole staff become proficient experts on various exhibits to provide a world-class experience for museum guests of all ages. The program had a sellout crowd with all seats filled.

YEAR: 2016

HAWKEYE CHAPTER: Executive Leadership Breakfast

SUMMARY: The chapter hosted a breakfast for the executives in talent development in its area. Thirteen executives attended the breakfast held at Mount Mercy University House, the residence of the University President. The chapter chose the location because of its intimate setting, and the inclusion of a tour of the house in the program’s agenda. After a facilitated discussion, attendees gleaned a comprehensive list of “Trends and Challenges in Talent Development.” The list was sent as a follow-up to the attendees for validation, and has been used as the basis for its monthly chapter programs, professional development events, and its annual fall conference to be held in September. In addition, this event enhanced the visibility of ATD given that 50 percent of the attendees were not familiar with ATD prior to the breakfast. As a result of the increased visibility of the chapter and its targeted programs, organizational support, financial support, and participation in all chapter meetings and professional development activities have increased in 2016.

YEAR: 2016

SACRAMENTO CHAPTER: Big Give CA Programming Idea

SUMMARY: The chapter designed The Big Give event to allow members to network and share tips, tools, and advice as a group. Members were prepared to contribute a 60 second tip or piece of advice to share orally with the group. The Program Directors enforced the 60-second limit, dressed as referees with whistles to add to the fun. As a result, the chapter gained 12 new members in the weeks following the event. Eighty-seven percent of attendees surveyed were “very satisfied” with the event. Additionally, the Golden Gate Chapter replicated the event, further promoting collaboration between the two Northern California chapters.

YEAR: 2016

SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER: Providing Sponsored Networking Events

SUMMARY: The chapter sponsorship and partnership offerings within the community to create opportunities for members to connect with one another frequently and within a close proximity. The chapter partnered with El Dorado, a local furniture store, and local restaurants to provide food and nice ambiance while networking. The chapter was able to provide these at no cost to the members, and provide them more frequently thanks to the financial support from the chapter’s partners and sponsors.

YEAR: 2016


SUMMARY: The chapter organized an online platform for their members to connect with each other, and create additional opportunities to network and learn. Titled “TD Talks,” the webinar series is delivered by South Florida Chapter talent development professionals and practitioners. The topics are selected from the new and innovative practices the practitioners are implementing at their workplaces. The series represents a true practice sharing via an online platform between members and community. Through the series, the chapter aims to bridge connections, provide another value-added offering to its members, and create a professional development opportunity for members that does not require travel.

YEAR: 2016

UPSTATE SOUTH CAROLINA CHAPTER: Phenomenal Collaboration and Partnership Contributes to Community Workplace Development

SUMMARY: The University Center of Greenville (UCG), a chapter sponsor of the Upstate SC Chapter, provides chapter office space, equipment, plexi-glass signage, banner flags, and more as part of its partnership with the chapter.

YEAR: 2015

SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER: How to Use Social Media to Keep Employees Engaged

SUMMARY: In celebration of Employee Learning Week, the chapter hosted a meeting titled “How to use Social Media to Keep Employees Engaged.” The event was offered to members, professional companies, and organizations in the community to demonstrate the chapter's commitment to workforce development by providing the opportunity to enhance social media skills and use the knowledge learned as part of the event.

YEAR: 2015

CENTRAL IOWA CHAPTER: The Disney Institute

SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with sponsors to host the Disney Institute, which detailed Disney's approach to business excellence. The chapter completely sold out the event yielding a record turnout in attendance with 250 participants and a profit of 5,000 dollars.

YEAR: 2014

HAWKEYE CHAPTER: Bud to Boss Workshop Partnership

SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with the Kevin Eikenberry Group (KEG) to bring the organization's Bud to Boss two-day workshop to its area. The chapter entered into a partnership, where the chapter was responsible for securing the location and marketing the event and The KEG managed registrations. In turn the chapter, received 30 percent of the gross profit for its work.

YEAR: 2014

WEST VIRGINIA CHAPTER: Train the Trainer - Fundamentals of Coaching

SUMMARY: The chapter hosted a series of three Saturday workshops aimed at developing the coaching skills of training and development professionals.
Topics included eight effective steps of coaching, attributes and principles of good coaching listening skills, emotional intelligence in coaching, and more. The workshop series lead to five new chapter members, four speakers for the chapter's state conference, and a financial gain of hundreds of dollars.

YEAR: 2014

TWIN CITIES CHAPTER: Partners in Learning - Mentorship Program Development

SUMMARY: The Twin Cities chapter developed a mentorship program focusing on career mentorship opportunities for its members. The program, developed to provide another member-added benefit to members, was an exclusive opportunity created by the chapter that no other workplace and learning associations in the area provided.

YEAR: 2014

SOUTHWEST FLORIDA CHAPTER: IGNITE - Training and Speaking Skills

SUMMARY: The chapter held a fall master class entitled "IGNITE - Training and Speaking Skills", where presenters had the opportunity to show off their speaking skills in a unique way through the Japanese style of PechaKuch. Each presenter was given 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds, providing the presenter with a total speaking time of six minutes and 40 seconds on a subject related to training and speaking skills.

YEAR: 2014


SUMMARY: The Houston Chapter re-positioned its previous volunteer summit as a showcase of the chapter for the beginning of the year. The showcase focused on introducing new board members, networking with other ATD members, and identifying available volunteer opportunities.

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: The ISD Boot Camp was developed by the Southeastern Virginia Chapter board in an effort to provide members and non-members with a strong working knowledge of the ADDIE model through facilitated discussion, role playing, and practical use. The ISD Boot Camp met once per month over the course of five months. Each month, the facilitator focused on a section of the ADDIE model. During the ISD Boot Camp, participants worked on a group classroom project (Map and Compass) and also a personal project. By the end of the ISD Boot Camp, participants had completed two full training programs from Analysis to Evaluation.

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: Chapter members were encouraged to bring resources, such as books and magazines, from home or work to a networking event. The event was held at a restaurant and dubbed a “book safari” because each table was arranged with a safari/treasure hunt category name. Participants were then instructed to hunt down resources they could use for personal or professional development.

YEAR: 2013

GREATER ATLANTA CHAPTER - Adding Value to Programs

SUMMARY: To increase the value of chapter programs, the board developed an “out of the box” approach to chapter programming. Instead of booking typical speakers, the chapter identified unique learning opportunities for their members. For example, Scott Nutter, general manager of development for Delta Airlines, spoke about how a pilot’s work environment is more similar to the business workplace than many would think.

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: In October 2012, the Central Florida Chapter held its first member retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to enhance and extend opportunities for collaboration, building partnerships, and for personal and professional development. The weekend offered extensive networking, hands-on learning, and sharing best practices. Members completed an “Adventure Guide” during the weekend to capture key information about their peers.

YEAR: 2013

PUERTO RICO CHAPTER: SHRM Partnership & Conference

SUMMARY: The Puerto Rico Chapter partners with the local SHRM chapter annually to put on a large conference. For the last three years, the Puerto Rico Chapter's conference has taken place during the first day of SHRM’s Conference. The chapter holds its separate program, usually two morning sessions, lunch, and an afternoon session, and then attendees join SHRM’s conference for the closing plenary of the day and reception. The chapter receives benefits from economies of scale for publicity, hotel guest rooms, parking fees, audiovisual support, food and beverages, and room rentals. In turn, SHRM’s Chapter receives publicity, attendees, credit for hotel rooms from the room block, and other hotel expenses paid by our Chapter.

YEAR: 2013


SUMMARY: The Southeastern Virginia Chapter hosts a quarterly book club. Participation is limited to the first 15 members to register, and each participant receives a free copy of the book.

YEAR: 2013

MT. DIABLO CHAPTER: Programming through Strategic Partnerships

SUMMARY: The chapter used community partnership to their advantage when putting together chapter meetings and events.

YEAR: 2012

CASCADIA CHAPTER: Partnering with HR Certification Institute (HRCI)

SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with HRCI to offer credits for their events, which has added value to those who hold the certification.

YEAR: 2012

CASCADIA CHAPTER: RFP Selection Process - Conference Speakers

SUMMARY: The Cascadia Conference Team developed and implemented an automated request for proposal to gather a pool of potential session speakers for their annual conference. Each speaker is required to include a video clip of a presentation similar to their proposed topic. Included in the RFP form are questions directed at how their presentation aligns with the ATD Competency Model, as well as the HRCI model. This allowed the chapter to collect information to submit for CE credits at a later date.

YEAR: 2012

GREATER CLEVELAND CHAPTER: "Paper Cuts" White Paper Reading Group

SUMMARY: The “Paper Cuts” White Papers Reading Group is a monthly meeting during which workplace learning and development professionals in the Greater Cleveland area discuss free white papers on various training-related topics and network.

YEAR: 2012


SUMMARY: The chapter developed a card set of 16 questions and instructions related to workplace learning to be used as a networking tool. The card questions provided a low-cost way to get new people engaged at the start of their programs.

YEAR: 2012

SACRAMENTO CHAPTER: DemoFest E-Learning Event

SUMMARY: The DemoFest 2011 event was developed to showcase the talents and efforts of its e-SIG group and provide an opportunity for e-learning vendors to show their software. Ten live, interactive demonstrations and mini-lectures on various e-learning topics were conducted over a six-hour period.

YEAR: 2012

GREATER BIRMINGHAM CHAPTER: Title Host for Chick-fil-A Leadercast

SUMMARY: The chapter hosted the 2010 Chick-fil-A Leadercast. The leadercast is a live simulcast that includes many national leaders sharing their thoughts on the art and science of leadership. Speakers included Tony Dungy, Jim Collins, Chip Heath, Dr. Ben Carson, John Maxwell, Connie Podesta, and more.

YEAR: 2010

BAY COLONIES CHAPTER: Employee Learning Week

SUMMARY: The Bay Colonies chapter provided members with tips, resources, and articles about the benefits of learning and ideas on how to celebrate Employee Learning Week.

YEAR: 2010

MID NEW JERSEY CHAPTER: Technology Showcase

SUMMARY: The chapter began the Technology Showcase to provide members information about how technology is being implemented in organizations to improve learning, development, implementation, and evaluation. This event is held annually and has helped publicize the chapter, increase participation at monthly meetings, and has drawn participation from significant corporations to showcase their use of technology in the region.

YEAR: 2010

NORTHERN ROCKIES CHAPTER: Co-Sponsored Networking Event

SUMMARY: The chapter partnered with the local Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) coaches alliance to host a large networking event which attracted more than 80 attendees. The two hour event included appetizers and drinks, a five to seven minute presentation from the president of each organization and concluded with three rounds of structured networking from members and guests of the three organizations.

YEAR: 2010

LINCOLN CHAPTER: Partnership Plus (Successful Collaboration between ATD-Lincoln and Southeast Community College)

SUMMARY: The chapter established a very successful community partnership with Southeast Community College (SCC) which includes shared advertising of educational event, free venue for monthly programs, and partnership for a large community event held every other year, and much more. This collaborative effort provides for exceptional learning and performance opportunities for professionals in the community through fostering professional growth, encourages educational institutions to provide programs for the preparation and growth of training, and allows the chapters to provide valuable training and development to their membership and the community.

YEAR: 2010

KANSAS CITY CHAPTER: Back-to-Basic Brown Bag Series

SUMMARY: In response to requests from members, Kansas City began hosting a Back-to-Basics (B2B) brown bag training series in February, 2009. Each class provides an hour and half of instruction on a basic training and development skill (e.g., making training more engaging, basics of instructional design, presentation skills, performance consulting, etc.) Classes are taught bi-monthly at various locations around the city, over the lunch hour (11:30am - 1:00pm).

YEAR: 2010


SUMMARY: To increase attendance at the chapter's annual conference and other chapter sponsored events, Eastern Pennsylvania extended "member" pricing to members of any ATD local chapter and national members.

YEAR: 2010

UTAH CHAPTER: Conference Planning Guide

SUMMARY: Instead of a hap-hazard approach to conference planning, this guide allows your chapter to pass along knowledge from year to year in order to ensure a successful conference.

YEAR: 2009


SUMMARY: The ATD-RTA chapter provided recognition to their members who contributed to the organization throughout the year. As they appreciated the efforts of their members, they also decided to give a little back to the community by conducting a food drive.

YEAR: 2009

ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER: Nails, Knots, and Egg Grenades (Team-building in the Park)

SUMMARY: The Orange County chapter sought to add value to their members investment in the chapter by providing them with unique opportunities for professional development with each learning event. Augusts’ event on team-building was held outside, in a sports park, so that participants could experience the team building activities rather than just hear about them.

YEAR: 2009


SUMMARY: The Long Island chapter's Chief Learning Officer’s (CLO) Forum was designed to reach out to those senior Learning and Performance Professionals who do not normally attend our monthly meetings. This allows them exposure to ATD, advances our image, targets the topics to them specifically and gains us credibility.

YEAR: 2009

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