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LinkedIn Utilizes Team Training to Develop Foundational TD Skills

Organization Details

The LinkedIn training team was transitioning from focusing on delivery to focusing on course design. The team needed some additional skills to be successful in this new direction.

The Challenge

The LinkedIn training team was transitioning from focusing on delivery to focusing on course design. The team needed some additional skills to be successful in this new direction.

The Solution

Christa Peters, Sr. Manager Training, Trust and Safety, says she had partnered with ATD previously and thought its materials and training were exceptional. She goes on to explain, “I had previously sent team members through ATD’s Instructional Design Certificate program, and it provided a sound foundation for those team members. I thought sending the whole team through this training would give them all a solid foundation and common language, and provide some team building.”The Instructional Design Certificate program helped LinkedIn launch internal best practices to elevate the team. The team members prepared weekly presentations on skills learned in the course, which culminated in a “best practices” document for designing content. This further developed into scorecards to measure module output against these best practices, and ultimately led to peer feedback on content design. The team also developed stretch goals for team members to learn new tools and build skills.

The Results

Peters says, “ATD’s Instructional Design team training helped show the team that a transition was happening and there were measurable expectations associated with the new direction. It also helped demystify instructional design work and show them how to be successful.”

As a result of its team training efforts, LinkedIn redesigned two of its three new hire programs, adding in innovative modules and more data points to show success. Peters explains, “The team is getting more comfortable getting feedback on their materials. We have earned more credibility within the organization regarding the quality of work we can do and how we can show success (or failure) in our training programs.”

Contact our Enterprise Solutions team to learn more about how team training can benefit your organization. Visit td.org/enterprise/team-training or fill out the form below.

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