ATD Blog
Wed Jan 10 2018
Do you face the challenge of creating a high-impact sales force? Like other sales enablement professionals, are you seeking ways to select, onboard, and develop sales professionals who can achieve the key performance indicators (KPIs) of the organization, such as enhanced revenue, improved margin, increased share of wallet, and improved customer satisfaction and loyalty? If your answer is yes, then the ATD Sales Enablement Certificate is an ideal option for you to explore.
The overall goal of the Sales Enablement Certificate is to develop your skills in creating sales talent development solutions that have a positive impact in the context of a broader sales enablement system. This workshop demonstrates how sales talent development solutions can be created in the context of a sales enablement system, rather than in isolation. Such solutions are viewed as one component of a broader sales enablement ecosystem, which includes talent selection, incentives and compensation, talent development, coaching, tools, and sales processes.
During this two-day, hands-on, interactive workshop, you will examine a number of real-world sales talent development solutions and will have an opportunity to examine the methodology used to measure their effectiveness and business impact. You will also have the experience of collaborating with your fellow sales enablement professionals as you learn how to do the following:
Define business requirements for sales talent development solutions in the context of a broader sales enablement system. Using a pragmatic approach, you will learn to identify the organization’s business objectives and KPIs, and then practice with the process of defining the behaviors the sales force needs to demonstrate to achieve the KPIs and meet business requirements. Part of that analysis also includes identifying competencies that are needed to enable the desired behaviors by the sales force.
Use the ATD World-Class Sales Competency Model (WCSCM) to select and contextualize the business-essential competencies for your sales force. The ATD WCSCM is based on a comprehensive study of business-essential competencies needed by all members of a sales ecosystem, including customer-facing sales roles, sales management and leadership roles, and sales enablement roles. You will have an opportunity to use the ATD WCSCM in a hands-on exercise with other sales enablement professionals.
Assess sales competency gaps at individual and group levels in your organization to create targeted sales talent development solutions to address those competency gaps. In collaboration with other sales enablement professionals, you will customize and use a sales competency assessment tool based on ATD WCSCM to address the talent development requirements of your sales organization.
Ensure the fit of learning solutions for your audience by exploring the unique characteristics and preferences of sales audiences.
Define and design multifaceted sales talent development solutions based on proven leading practices to develop with agility a superior sales force in your industry. To help you create your own solutions, you’ll receive a set of leading sales talent development practices to explore.
Ensure timely development and smooth delivery of your solutions by exploring project management practices.
Evaluate the effectiveness and measure the business impact of investments made in sales talent development. You will be introduced to an evaluation framework that will enable you to collect the right data, from the right source, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. This framework will enable you to collect evaluation data during the formative stage of developing talent development solutions (for continuous improvement), and during early and full deployment of those solutions (to measure their effectiveness and business impact). You will use the framework to define a data collection and analysis plan for a selected talent development solution.
Build hiring job aids using situational interview questions that cover business-essential competencies to screen and select the best candidates. You will have an opportunity to customize a hiring job aid based on ATD WCSCM to screen and select sales professionals.
Learn more and register for one of the very first offerings of the Sales Enablement Certificate.
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