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Don’t Be Puzzled by Structured On-the-Job Training


Thu Apr 20 2023

Don’t Be Puzzled by Structured On-the-Job Training


We distinguish structured on-the-job training (SOJT) from traditional on-the-job training (OJT) by the emphasis and focus we place on “structure.” What does structure mean in this context? First, rather than just sending a learner out to get experience on the job, we predetermine what that person needs to do the job competently and meet employer expectations. By doing so, we can strategically direct the individual’s experiential learning and track and confirm the results of those learning efforts.

But SOJT doesn’t necessarily entail creating entirely new training. Instead, the point is to add definition and guidance to our existing OJT efforts.

SOJT does not mandate that all existing training efforts must be erased and replaced, nor does it replace all instructor-led or online self-guided learning. SOJT defines and directs all on-the-job learning efforts toward a targeted goal.

Think of SOJT like a jigsaw puzzle. The first step is to open the box and dump the puzzle pieces on a table. This creates an unfortunately accurate illustration of the traditional OJT program, with all valid experiential learning activities represented by the various puzzle pieces. Each puzzle piece is relevant and necessary, yet currently exists in a silo with no connection to other pieces of the learning program.

To most efficiently assemble individual puzzle pieces into a larger picture, many puzzle makers will separate and assemble all the edge pieces to build the frame within which we can put together the rest of the pieces.

That puzzle’s border illustrates the structured aspect of SOJT. It defines the shape and size of the desired outcome. With that in place, we can connect the remaining puzzle pieces just as we can link activities to a training’s broader structure, which now defines the parameters of the desired outcome. And as every individual piece is put in place, each moves one step closer to completing the defined goal.

SOJT does not recreate the entire puzzle; it helps us complete it quicker and more effectively by implementing practical, real-world learning opportunities framed within real job contexts. SOJT is a method for bringing order to the chaos that too often defines the traditional OJT experience. SOJT enables us to define successful learning while utilizing many existing training efforts.

To learn more, join me and co-presenter Ronald Jacobs for the session: Tracking the Impacts of Structured On-the-Job Training (SOJT) at the ATD 2023 International Conference & EXPO May 21–24 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.

About the Author
Paul Smith

Paul Smith has spent 30 years coordinating the development of training resources to support corporate initiatives and individual improvement toward achieving success. He has designed, implemented, and evaluated instruction in both the public and private sectors, as well as for all career levels and learning styles. He serves as head of training for Baker Construction Enterprises, the largest concrete construction company in the United States.