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ATD Blog

Employee Engagement Hits New Lows as Workers Feel Stuck


Wed Oct 12 2011


(From PRWEB) -- Modern Survey's recent study of employee engagement levels in the U.S. workforce has unveiled the somewhat disturbing reality that even while employee engagement is sinking to new lows only 21% of workers report that they are seeking new employment opportunities.

Conducted in September 2011, the most recent iteration of Modern Survey's bi-annual study found that 70% of employees are now either disengaged or under engaged at their job – a record high number since Modern Survey began tracking these numbers in 2007 before the recession started. Additionally, the number of fully engaged employees has dropped to a record low of just 8%. Compared to one year ago when 15% of the workforce was fully engaged, the most recent data demonstrates a profound deterioration in the number of workers who are fully committed to their work and to their organization.

Shockingly, while 70% of workers are disengaged or under engaged, approximately one fifth of workers reported that they are currently looking for a new job at a different organization – a percentage which is remarkably consistent across nearly all captured demographics, including job level, pay basis (salaried vs. hourly) and company size.

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ATD Staff

The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is a professional membership organization supporting those who develop the knowledge and skills of employees in organizations around the world. The ATD Staff, along with a worldwide network of volunteers work to empower professionals to develop talent in the workplace.