ATD Blog
Wed Oct 15 2014
The use of virtual classrooms, e-learning, and blended learning has gone beyond a being a trend and are now an accepted—and permanent part—of the learning mix. It’s hard to find a subject that isn’t, in some form and at some level, taught online—whether it’s astronomy, zoology, Arabic and Zulu, basic addition, management skills, and so on. (You see where I’m going with this.) Besides being plentiful, online programs are often inexpensive and sometimes even free!
This begs the question: With so much content and technology readily available, why don't people seem to be learning more? Are we being forced to learn online at (metaphorical) gunpoint?
It's not about the technology
Although organizations are spending more money on technology, they’re rarely investing in resources that create effective learning environments. They're treating virtual training and blended learning implementations as technology initiatives rather than change initiatives.
We need to make learners believe that the investment is worthwhile. One way to accomplish this is by thinking about some critical concepts when designing a program—rather than as an afterthought once it has already been implemented.
When implementing, designing, and delivering virtual and blended programs, training professionals should strive to design the following elements (success factors) at the planning stages of the program.
Build motivation into the program. Why do we need to be more concerned about motivating online learners than traditional learners? Online learning often comes with the stigma of not being motivating. Learners may believe they’re being cheated out of an instructor, that online learning isn’t real learning, and that having to learn at their desk is more trouble than it’s worth. While going to a traditional class interrupted the work week, at least it gave them a change of environment—and usually there were snacks.
Include opportunities to collaborate. How can virtual training and blended learning be collaborative? You can create collaboration by finding ways to bring learners together in some kind of social interaction or by getting groups to work together to solve problems. Learners involved in these types of interactive collaborative programs feel more engaged in the process, and therefore learn more effectively. Although the solution sounds simple, implementing programs that foster real collaboration remains a hurdle for most online initiatives, primarily because new designers tend to rely on the technology to engage learners, instead of the design.
Create a blend of delivery methods designed to maximize the learning outcome. When it comes to designing training, one size does not fit all. In other words, we can't rely on just one technology to provide total treatment for a learning program. Blended learning allows us to match learning objectives to the most appropriate learning technologies.
Use accessible technology. Critical to a learner's success is a physical learning environment that includes usable technology, accessible support, and an area conducive to full participation during live lessons, as well as concentration during self-directed activities. The proper implementation and management of technology is critical to the success of all learning initiatives. Although technology advances are one of the reasons online learning is going through such a growth spurt, it can also create roadblocks that divert learners from success.
Have active and participative facilitators that believe in blended learning. Adoption of educational technologies isn't just new to our learner audience; it is often a new experience for the people facilitating the process. Ensuring that facilitators are ready to support the process will go a long way toward maximizing the return on investment of time and budget.
Bringing it all together
Creating a successful virtual learning program means more than using the latest gizmos and applying successful instructional design techniques. You need to create a solid environment that enables your learners. If you don't, the best curriculum in the world will fall flat.
Editor’s note: This post is adapted from Jennifer Hofmann’s six-part blog series on enabling virtual learners. Find more on the Insynch Training blog, Body Language in the Bandwidth.
Join me for my upcoming webcast, Enabling Virtual Learning By Design****, on October 23, or at one of our upcoming certificate programs, Designing Synchronous Learning on November 6 and Facilitating Synchronous Learning on November 7.
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