ATD Blog
Wed Aug 01 2018
I applied for the APTD exam in January 2018 and successfully passed the test in April. Here’s how I prepared.
I purchased both the APTD Learning System (using the ATD READER app on my tablet) and the on-demand course. In my experience, having the on-demand course to work with made a world of difference for learning the material.
I followed a nugget of advice given to those preparing for the CPLP: start with the area I was most familiar with (training delivery, for me) and move onto the areas I was less familiar with, so I would be fresher just before the exam.
Reading the ATD prep book on my tablet was the ideal format because I could hold it in my hand, and each chapter had quiz questions that could be answered with immediate feedback and then hidden again to review later. Taking notes on colored 3”x5” cards helped me retain key points and study at times I had only a few minutes. After reading each chapter, I used the adaptive learning program to test my knowledge. From a design standpoint I was curious to see how this adaptive learning worked. When you answer a question incorrectly, the program directs you to a slideshow summary of the topic, which was especially helpful. The software uses your answers and your confidence level to customize each session. In the last month before testing I used the “recharge” option for each topic to review the materials.
When I took the test, I did not know the answer for everything, but there was plenty of time to answer the questions and double check them all before submitting.
If you are preparing for this test, I recommend dedicating time to study and combining learning modes, such as handwriting your own notes, reading aloud, and completing the on-demand course for maximum retention and understanding.
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