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ATD Blog

Is the ATD Training Certificate Program the Right Fit for You?


Thu Jul 28 2016

Is the ATD Training Certificate Program the Right Fit for You?


There are so many different learning and development offerings out there that it’s difficult to narrow them down. With all the options available to you, how can you find the right program?

Responding to the questions below will help you decide whether the Training Certificate program is for you.

  1. Are you new to learning and development (L&D)? 

  2. Are you a subject matter expert who has recently been asked to deliver training? 

  3. Does your training team need to speak the same L&D language? 

  4. Are you beginning your training sessions with the same old dull routine? 

  5. Are you unsure about the distinction between a learning method and learning media? 

  6. Do you encounter disruptive participants when delivering training? Are you unsure how to deal with their behavior? 

  7. Can you define what needs assessment means for your organization? 

  8. Would delivering a short segment of training and receiving feedback on your delivery be helpful to you? 

  9. Do you know how to evaluate your training programs? 

  10. What do you know about designing training?

Based on your responses, would the Training Certificate Program help you? If so, contact an ATD customer care representative or register online, and I will guide you through three days of hands-on, performance-based learning. This is one of ATD’s most popular programs for good reason.

Come experience the Training Certificate Program for yourself.

About the Author
Lorimer Fauntleroy

Lorimer Fauntleroy is the principal of Pinnacle Performance Partners (P3), based in Sarasota, Florida. P3 is a workplace learning and development company specializing in performance-based learning solutions. P3 assists clients in determining whether the cause of a performance gap is a lack of performer knowledge or skills. When it is, P3 creates a performance-based learning solution. P3 has provided on-site services for clients since 1998. Additionally, since 2000, P3 has assisted ATD in various capacities including a number of course redesigns and development, course review and oversight, and course facilitation. Lorimer holds a BA degree in History from the University of Richmond and a MS degree in Human Resource Development from the University of Tennessee.