ATD Blog
Fri Oct 15 2021
The ATD Talent Development and Training in Healthcare Handbook (ATD Press, November 2021) addresses the many opportunities and challenges TD professionals face in the growing and rapidly changing healthcare space. Effective talent development is the thread that weaves through an entire healthcare organization to ensure it is up to standard with the latest practices in treating patients while providing a safe and engaging environment for staff. TD professionals have the unique role of tying together organizational and employee advancement in healthcare systems—and likewise, this handbook dives into areas for both business and professional evolution.
Written by 25 fellow healthcare practitioners with extensive experience in the field—from nurses, physicians, and administrators to instructional designers, chief learning officers, technology experts, and leaders across the industry, it covers six key themes across 26 chapters:
Learning and Development Basics
Organization Development
Employee Development
Business Acumen for the Health System
Digital Transformation and Literacy
Patient-Centric Care
In this spotlight Q&A, learn more about, Timothy R. Brock, senior associate of ROI Institute and faculty with Capella University, and his contribution to the book on evaluating learning impact.
We are going to hear more about how artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and other technologies are going to revolutionize healthcare training and talent development. We must embrace these technologies to remain relevant. However, they are tools, a means to an end. We will flourish by remaining focused on the human dimension—the healthcare provider. We must integrate high tech with high touch to prove the benefits of improved clinical care, patient outcomes, and talent development growth opportunities.
After reading the book sections and chapter titles, I realized how critical this handbook is for our healthcare training and talent development professionals. Too many are doing their best without a roadmap or compass to guide their discernment between activity and productivity. It will also protect them from odious fads and canards. This is not another book that will sit on a shelf collecting dust.
My third grandchild (my first granddaughter) was born, not that I had anything to do with that. I earned another competency-based certification this year. I added Certified Performance Improvement Facilitator to my list of credentials. I also mentored a few new EdDs through their applied research doctoral studies.
My one sentence of advice is a simple phrase I try to practice daily: Semper et cogitemus et nos excolamus! (Always thinking, always improving!) The Latin makes you appear smart. In addition, I like quotes that express nuggets of wisdom that also make you appear smart. A quote from Sir Winston Churchill comes to mind when I reflect on the intent of this handbook. He wrote, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” I couldn’t have said it better