ATD Blog
Thu Dec 03 2009
A majority of United States respondents believe the experience they gain in a globally oriented workplace will be important to their careers, according to recent findings from an international workplace survey. However, many report they are not being adequately prepared.
The survey, by global workforce solutions leader Kelly Services, finds that Gen Y (aged 18-29) is driving the trend toward globalization. Gen Y employees also feel more confident about working in a multinational environment than their Gen X (aged 30-47) and baby boomer (aged 48-65) colleagues.
In deciding where to work, the opportunity for exposure to international skills or a globalized workplace is becoming more desirable, especially for younger workers. Yet few employees receive formal support from their employers, like cultural or language training, that would help them develop the expertise needed to thrive in a global setting.
The Kelly Global Workforce Index obtained the views of more than 90,000 people in 33 countries, including more than 13,000 across the United States.
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