Newsletter Article
Member Benefit
Published Thu Oct 14 2021
If there’s one thing the global health crisis taught us, it’s that we need to take our health more seriously. This lesson is universally applicable both in terms of our physical and mental well-being as well as our wellness in our personal and professional lives. Another lesson learned from the pandemic is that employers have a lot of control over their workers’ health, and they need to take this responsibility seriously. One of the best ways to be a good steward of your employees’ wellness is to give workers more control over how, where, and when they do their work. Studies show that giving workers more agency in this regard improves mental health while positively impacting productivity and reducing burnout and turnover. Stability is also crucial. Erratic, unpredictable schedules made it impossible for frontline workers to manage their nonwork lives and even created negative consequences for emotional control and sleep patterns. Make sure workloads are reasonable and encourage your employees to support their own personal needs, whatever they may be. Workplaces don’t need to be cold, unfeeling machines. Compassion and empathy can, and should, be prioritized.
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