Press Release
Wed Nov 25 2009
We've spent five parts of this series discussing how to develop a leadership handbook--or quite honestly, any handbook collection.
In this, the sixth and final installment, I will give you a sneak preview of the final product. To tease you into watching for ASTD's Leadership Handbook--a sample table of contents. The ASTD Leadership Handbook included 5 sections and 32 chapters. I have not included all 32 chapters.
I. Leadership Competencies
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Jim Kouzes, Barry Posner
Leading to Build the TeamPatrick Lencioni
Leading Change: A Conversation With Dr. KotterJohn Kotter
Getting Results: Leadership Competencies Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood
Engaging and Retaining Talent in Any EconomyBev Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans
II. Leadership Development
A Leadership Development StrategyTacy Byham and Bill Byham
Worst Practices in a 360-Degree Assessment: Craig Chappelow
Leaders as Mentors and TeacherEdward Betof
Learning on the Job Ellen VanVelsor
Coaching Leaders to LeadMarshall Goldsmith
III. Attributes of Successful Leaders
Good to Great: What Leaders DoJim Collins
Unlocking the Mystery of Inspiring Leadership Jack Zenger, J. Folkman, S. Edinger
The Authentic LeaderBill George
Leadership Ethics and Integrity for the 21st CenturyKen Blanchard
Derailment: How Successful Leaders Avoid ItBill Gentry
IV. Contemporary Leadership
Leading the Workforce of the Future Frances Hesselbein
Globally Savvy LeadersStephen Rhinesmith
Women in the Lead Marian Ruderman
Leading Across GenerationsJoanne Sujansky
Leading for Diversity Kay Iwata, Juan Lopez, Julie O'Mara
V. Broadening the Leadership Discussion
Why Leadership Development Should Go to School Lyndon Rego, S. Harrison, D. Altman
Growing Tomorrow's Leaders for the Worlds of 2020 Lawrena Colombo, John Verderese
A Military View of Leadership in the Private SectorVADM John Lockard
Chinese "Sheng Yi": Challenges for Chines Leaders Cheng Zhu
Next Up: Watch for delivery of the final product The next installment is in your hands. Watch for publication of The ASTD Leadership Handbook and let us know what you think...
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