Press Release
Wed Aug 31 2011
Forward-thinking learning professionals are integrating informal, social, and mobile learning into their learning strategies. Now ASTD, the world's largest professional association dedicated to the learning and development field is offering a new conference - LearnNow - that will equip cutting-edge practitioners with the knowledge and tools needed to take the learning function to the next level. LearnNow will be held in Chicago, Illinois on October 24-25, 2011.
Attendees will join lead facilitator Bob Mosher for a game-changing event, where they will learn how to:
Get in front of trends and technologies that are changing the learning landscape.
Craft a LearnNow strategy which includes informal, social, and mobile learning elements.
Gain executive buy-in.
Adapt design approach to leverage the latest trends and technologies.
Measure results and show return on investment.
Identify and implement the first LearnNow project for their organization.
LearnNow will also feature guest thought leaders, such as Allison Rossett. Attendees will gain insights from practitioners at industry-leading companies who are driving results, and they will work alongside other learning professionals to craft a custom strategy, and hear from thought-leaders about how to plan, implement, and launch their own LearnNow strategy.
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