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TD Magazine Article

4 Methods That Keep TD Projects Agile

Pivot as business needs change after implementation.


Wed May 01 2024

4 Methods That Keep TD Projects Agile

Experimentation is one of the most influential skills a company can have. Therefore, organize and view program changes as experimental—or agile—so you can pivot as business needs change after implementation.

1. Determine what success means.


Starting with the end in mind will keep your vision crystal clear. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) you are looking for and how you can conduct a 360-degree, mixed-methods evaluation.

2. Deliver the minimum viable product.

Don't waste all year delivering a product that doesn't meet your goals. Delivering the minimum viable product (MVP) enables you to collect more feedback, see the KPIs earlier in the development process, and iterate based on results.

3. Have a growth mindset.

Consider how you can build the best possible MVP using various prototypes. Use learner feedback and business results to iterate and get closer to the mark.


4. Always re-evaluate priorities.

If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. Review every training request with a fine-tooth comb to determine whether it aligns with the company's future or is a bandage for past mistakes.

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