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Change May Be the Most Exciting Part of Life


Thu Jul 14 2016

Change May Be the Most Exciting Part of Life


Have you been a part of change recently? Well, that’s a silly question. Of course you have. Everything is changing. Even managing change has changed! Today’s organizations operate in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Our organizations face more complex, continuous change than ever before. Being able to quickly adjust to continuous change as well as being an expert at leading through complex change is more important than ever. Change is a way of life, and being proficient at navigating through change is imperative. Managing change is a required skill for leaders, managers, and all employees.

During a recent conversation with ATD staff members Amanda Smith and Julia Liapidova, I was reminded of how much fun I had writing one of the new titles in the ATD Workshop series: Change Management Training. Writing fun? Yes! Fun and exciting for three reasons.

Reason #1. I learned so much more about change. Writing a new book always gives me an excuse to delve deep into a topic and tap into new research. In this case it was exhilarating to ferret out all the nuances in books such as Bill Pasmore’s recent publication, Leading Continuous Change: Navigating Churn in the Real World. He and others make a case for why we need to think differently about change because even “change” is changing.

Up until recently organizations typically addressed changes one at a time, using fundamental tools and processes. Change teams had time to follow John Kotter’s eight-stage change process, gather data, and create a vision for each project. In some cases we continue to implement a change management approach that was designed for single-issue changes. But the VUCA environment does not allow us the time or the ease to rely on a set of basic tools any longer. Change Management Training provides a training design and delivery that takes this into consideration. It’s exciting to present content that is based on solid research.

Reason #2. I had fun creating the 23 engaging activities in Change Management Training. This in no way diminishes the value of these activities. You know how important it is to have lively, participative activities after lunch or to break the tension of a serious topic.

OK, so what was so fun about creating the activities? Let me tempt you with a few examples of how a dry topic can be fun for your learners.

  • Imagine creating a communication plan by asking teams to relaunch the modest, humble Brussels sprout. 

  • Picture your learners experiencing the frustrations of change as you modify instructions every two minutes in a short activity they thought was serious. 

  • Visualize creating a scenario in which your participants feel the pressure of juggling responsibilities on the job by juggling three tennis balls, a squeaky toy, a hard-boiled egg, and a glass of water.

Oh there are plenty of serious activities too—but those are easy to design. This is one of the most exciting workshops I’ve ever created.

Reason #3. The most exciting part is knowing that you, my colleagues, will be using these materials and implementing this training workshop for your learners. I know you and your organization will find it helpful. Your organization, like others, is challenged by the constant bombardment, faster pace, and convoluted complexity of change. They require change-ready employees and change-savvy managers at the ready to build a capacity for continuous change. It’s a different skill set. The choices and consequences are no longer as clear as they once were.

It’s exciting and an honor to provide you with a ready-to-use solution to help your organization successfully prepare for change.

Change How We Change

The bottom line is that we need to change how we change: how we make choices, how we make things happen, and even how we perceive change. Change is neither good nor bad. The most successful organizations are the ones that are proactive about change. They look for ways to turn obstacles into opportunities. Learning to become a change-savvy manager assures success for your organization, satisfaction for your direct reports, and fulfillment for you on the job.

The entire ATD Workshop series is exciting. All the titles will help you improve your learners’ skills. Each book in the series guarantees to save you time. Purchasing each book gives you the license to print and use the online activities, handouts, and PowerPoint slides without further permission. Several additional, optional formats are provided to meet your delivery needs. In Change Management Training, I’ve used a navigation theme in the words, images, and activities to add to the enjoyment of both delivering and participating in the workshop. I’ll be interested to hear about your responses to the theme.

I hope you find Change Management Training as exciting to use as I did designing it for you.

About the Author
Elaine Biech, CPTD Fellow

Elaine Biech, CPTD fellow, believes excellence isn’t optional. Her passion is helping others achieve their passion. She specializes in maximizing individual, team, and organizational effectiveness using her expertise in OD, training, and consulting. Elaine has designed and delivered thousands of training courses and apps. Highlights of her career include designing and implementing the first process improvement programs for the Newport News Shipbuilding Company and McDonalds; designing and facilitating the first creativity program for Hershey Chocolate; and facilitating one of the world’s first virtual training sessions in 1985 for NASA.

Elaine’s been called a titan of the training industry and has published 89 books, including The Art & Science of Training, which was a Washington Post number 1 bestseller. She has presented for 38 consecutive years at ATD’s International Conference & EXPO, and has been featured in dozens of publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Management Update, the Washington Post, and Fortune.

Elaine has been active with ATD since 1982—she’s served on the national board of directors, designed ATD’s first training certificate program, was ATD’s inaugural CPTD Fellow designee, and most recently was the principal author of ATD’s TDBoK Guide™. A talent development thought leader, Elaine was the recipient of ATD’s 1992 Torch Award, 2004 Volunteer-Staff Partnership Award, 2006 Bliss Memorial Award, and the 2020 Distinguished Contribution to Talent Development Award. In addition, she was the recipient of ISA’s 2001 Spirit Award, 2012 Outstanding Contributor Award, and 2022 Thought Leader Award. She was also the recipient of Wisconsin’s Women’s Mentor Award and sponsors several scholarship funds. Elaine currently serves on the board of directors for ISA, the Association of Learning Providers, and the board of governors for the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL).

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