TD Magazine Article
Here’s the essential evaluation process after making a mistake.
Wed Jan 02 2019
Failure is an inevitable part of life, but you don't have to become consumed by it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Instead, learn from them and allow them to help you make better-informed decisions in the future. Here's the essential evaluation process after making a mistake.
1. Learn. Seek to understand your contribution to the mistake and where you went wrong.
2. Apologize. Admit your error(s) to the affected person or group. Take responsibility for what happened.
3. Explain. Offer an explanation to anyone affected, if needed. Debrief exactly what went wrong during the process.
4. Evaluate. Talk about what you learned from your mistake and what you intend to do going forward.
5. Deliver. Follow through on what you said you would do.
Source: Learning From Failure, Todd Dewett, LinkedIn Learning
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