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Members always tell us that professional development is the main reason that they join ATD. Our commitment is to provide you with the career resources you need, when you need them, wherever you are.
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ATD Courses
ATD courses empower talent development professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful and remain competitive in an ever-changing workplace. Need help figuring out which course is right for you? Connect with a Professional Development Specialist today!
ATD Conferences
The brightest minds in talent development come together to give you conference experiences that are diverse in education, solutions, and opportunities. Take a look at the upcoming virtual, hybrid and in-person opportunities!
ATD Press is an internationally renowned source of insightful and practical information on talent development and professional development. Members have discounts on all the latest books and publications.
ATD Research
ATD's Research team is tracking trends, informing decisions, and connecting research to performance. Members have access to research whitepaper summaries as a benefit, but also receive discounted pricing on full reports.
We want to help you make the most of your ATD membership! Review the FAQ below to find answers to common membership questions, or contact our friendly Customer Care team at +1.800.628.2783 or [email protected].