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Cindy Hill

Principal Industrial/Organizational Psychologist | ACT, Inc.


Dr. Cindy Hill is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist in the Research Division at ACT. She has been a major contributor to ACT’s WorkKeys system for more than twenty years. Her work has included the recent refresh of the National Career Readiness Credential, a portable, evidence-based credential that certifies the essential skills for workplace success. Her recent research has explored the alignment and “stacking” of credentials through standardized frameworks and the use of technology. Dr. Hill has also spent many years developing and reviewing licensure and certification programs. This includes job analysis, the development of test content outlines, national surveys, data analysis, item writing and review, standard setting, and validating the test scores of off-the-shelf and company-specific tests. As part of ACT’s partnership with the Association for Talent Development, she developed and facilitates their Test Design and Delivery Certificate Program.

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