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Lynette Steinburg

Virtual Effectiveness Driver


Lynette Van Steinburg has worked in the sphere of corporate learning, leadership, and transformation since 1997. She has had experience in leadership, project management, instructional design, development, change management, quality assurance, organizational development, communications and business transformation. Her entire career has included participation in, or leadership of, one or more virtual teams.

Lynette has been fortunate to work with clients like Nike, T-Mobile, CN, BC Hydro, Alpha Technologies, and other world-class organizations in bringing excellence and thoughtfulness to their corporate landscape during times of change.

Lynette has also driven successful innovation and culture change at companies like BusinessObjects/SAP and TELUS by enabling transformation through evolving leadership philosophy, learning programs, and virtual collaboration tools and initiatives.

As a Virtual Effectiveness Driver, Lynette brings her experience as a leader, educator, and transformation specialist to support individuals and organizations in increasing their virtual effectiveness by using strategies and methods that are an amalgamation of more than 20 years experience in virtual collaboration with clients, colleagues and leaders. She maintains that virtual interactions don't have to be difficult, but they do require a different approach; by changing your behaviour you can improve your experience and your outcomes.

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