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Maria Morukian


Maria Morukian is a recognized organizational development practitioner specializing in training, coaching, and facilitation with a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and intercultural competence. Maria is the president of MSM Global Consulting and an adjunct faculty member at American University’s School of International Service. She previously served in leadership and organizational development positions at the US Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Executive Institute and the US Department of State. She has also served in leadership positions at Management Concepts and the National MultiCultural Institute.

Maria has trained and coached thousands of individuals around the world to build practices for better communication, foster competent and respectful workplaces, and navigate conflict for meaningful culture change. She has worked with such diverse clients as PBS Distribution, the National Park Service, National Institutes of Health, the World Bank, and the Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.

Maria is a sought-after speaker and has presented at numerous events, including TEDx, the Forum on Workplace Inclusion, the Association for Talent Development, Blacks in Government, and Ellevate Women’s Network. Her work has been published in Forbes and the Association for Talent Development’s Public Manager, and she is the co-author of Designing & Implementing Diversity Initiatives: A Guide for Organizational Culture Change.

Maria is host of the podcast Culture Stew, which focuses on the multidimensionality of identity and best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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