Sewon Kim
Sewon Kim is Assistant Professor/Mentor of Business, Management, and Economics at SUNY Empire State. He received his Ph.D. in human resource development from Texas A&M University. His doctoral dissertation has been named the winner of The Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Malcolm S. Knowles Dissertation of the Year Award and The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Dissertation Award. He is also a recipient of The AHRD Cutting Edge Award and The Emerald Précis Article. His work experience includes an Organization Development and Change practitioner and Trainer in the Strategic Planning Department in Hyundai Corporation and the Army of the Republic of Korea. He also served as an active founder of International Student Mentor Association and a career coach in the Career Center at Texas A&M. Dr. Kim’s research, teaching, and practice interests are coaching and formal mentoring, international management and leadership development, and organization behavior and change.
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