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Science of Learning Bundle

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When change is necessary, it’s always best to have science and evidence to back up your reasoning. Learn how to apply your evidence and science to your trainings with this bundle.

Book Details

  • Publisher: ATD

  • Release Date: July 2023

  • Format: Paperback

  • Product Code: 142318

Included in This Product

111914_Evidence-Based Training Methods_Cover

Evidence-Based Training Methods, 3rd Edition

Let evidence guide your training.

Your training is much more effective when your methods are based on evidence. In this third edition of Evidence-Based Training Methods, Ruth Colvin...

By Ruth Clark on December 30, 2019

112014_Know How

Know How

Turn Your Know-How Into Someone Else’s Know-How-To

Everyone—whether subject matter experts, proficient performers, managers, coaches, or co-workers—will need to transfer knowledge to others at some point in their life. And,...

By Erica J. Keeps, Harold D. Stolovitch on November 10, 2020

111807_Millennials, Goldfish & Other Training Misconceptions

Millennials, Goldfish & Other Training Misconceptions

Can You Tell Learning Fact From Fiction?

“Training should be tailored to individual learning styles.” “We only use 10 percent of our brain.” “Multitasking is as simple and efficient as...

By Clark N. Quinn on April 24, 2018


Learning Science for Instructional Designers

Ensure Your Instructional Design Stands Up to Learning Science

Learning science is a professional imperative for instructional designers. In fact, instructional design is applied learning science. To create...

By Clark N. Quinn on April 13, 2021

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