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TD at Work Guide

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Internal Podcasts From A to Z

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There are now more than 2 million valid podcasts on Apple Podcasts. Have you ever considered how podcasting can relate to your organization’s goals? In this issue of TD at Work, Shannon Martin will explain:

  • What an internal podcast is

  • Where to start

  • Whom to include on your podcast team

  • How to record and publish your podcast

  • How to promote your podcast

The Tools & Resources in this issue are a Podcast Launch Planning Worksheet, an Episode Checklist, and a Technology Checklist.


  • ISBN: 9781960231079

  • Pages: 20

  • Publication Date: July 2024

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF

  • Product Code: 252407

About the Authors
Shannon Martin

Shannon Martin has been working in marketing and communications for over 15 years, helping businesses communicate their messages and build community. She is Lower Street Media's (https://lowerstreet.co/) podcast strategist. Shannon previously worked at Podbean, mainly focused on internal podcasts, for eight years, and has extensive experience in blogging, digital marketing, writing, editing, and public relations. When she's not connected to the keyboard, Shannon's likely off exploring some new destination or taking a long walk in the company of a favorite podcast.

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