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Connection Culture, 2nd Edition

The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy, and Understanding at Work

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Tap Into the Power of Human Connection

Creating a thriving organization where employees feel valued, the environment is energized, and high productivity and innovation are the norm requires a new kind of leader who fosters a culture of connection within the organization. Connection Culture, 2nd Edition, is your game-changing opportunity to become that leader and to begin fostering a connection culture in your organization. Stop undermining performance and take the first step toward change that will give your organization, your team, and everyone you lead a true competitive advantage. Inspiring and practical, this book challenges you to set the performance bar high and keep reaching. Learn how to:

• Foster a connection culture.

• Emulate best practices of connected teams—from Mayo Clinic physicians and scientists to the creators of the award-winning Broadway musical Hamilton.

• Boost vision, value, and voice within your organization.

Published in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, the book messages the authors’ hope for post-traumatic growth; provides updated, research-supported theories about the relationship of stress and loneliness; and includes new examples and profiles of great leaders communicating during crisis.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781950496525

  • Pages: 256

  • Publication Date: September 2020

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF

  • Product Code: 112015

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About the Authors
Michael Lee Stallard

Michael Lee Stallard (www.MichaelLeeStallard.com) is a thought leader, author, speaker, and expert on how human connection in culture affects the health and performance of individuals and organizations. He is the president and co-founder of E Pluribus Partners and the Connection Culture Group. Michael is the primary author of Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite Your Team’s Passion, Creativity, and Productivity and Connection Culture: The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy and Understanding (ATD Press).

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