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Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect

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Change Your Training Narrative

As a trainer, you try to facilitate connections for learners, knowing you must first make connections for yourself. One way to do that is to be a storyteller. But how do you tell stories? How do you find stories to tell? StoryTraining: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect explores how to find your stories and deliver them for learners, ultimately strengthening the storyteller you already are.

The challenge with storytelling, according to author Hadiya Nuriddin, is in finding a story to tell. This book focuses on that elusive part of storytelling—finding the stories lurking everywhere and telling them. Hadiya shows you how by pulling from other disciplines, especially literature and creative writing, to help you select, structure, shape, and tell stories that can facilitate connections between you, your learners, and the material. You’ll learn about the characteristics of stories that are most useful for facilitating learning, and understand what each looks like in practice. StoryTraining also includes helpful checklists as well as the author’s surefire tips, diagrams for story timelining, and favorite story models.

Given the push to make training more relevant, storytelling ability will continue to be in high demand. If you yearn to find your own stories—and to successfully engage with learners and others—this is the facilitation book you have been waiting for.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781562866891

  • Pages: 160

  • Publication Date: March 2018

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF

  • Product Code: 111804

About the Authors
Hadiya Nuriddin, CPTD

Hadiya Nuriddin is the owner of Duets Learning. She has over 20 years' experience in learning and development.She specializes in instructional design and development for both corporate and academic environments. She has extensive experience in designing, developing, and delivering both technical and professional development courses. She also designs and develops eLearning courses using the Articulate software suite. Hadiya is the author of the book StoryTraining: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Connect and contributed a chapter to ATD's Handbook for Training and Talent Development..

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