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Research Report

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Chief Talent Development Officers: Driving Strategy and Performance

191702_Chief Talent Development Officers
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Because companies recognize the business impact learning has on organizations, the talent development leadership role is experiencing unprecedented expansion in scope and responsibilities. While it goes by many names—chief talent development officer (CTDO) and chief learning officer (CLO) are among the most popular—the learning leadership role demands strong and varied skills wielded by professionals with the courage and vision to fully own and define what has become a key contributor to organizational success.

To show current and aspiring talent development leaders the changes and growth occurring in the role—and what those shifts might mean for them—the Association for Talent Development (ATD) and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) collaborated on new research based on the experiences of learning leaders worldwide.

ATD and i4cp found that most organizations (79 percent) have a designated talent development leader or leaders. The talent development leader’s role is expanding in nearly 90 percent of organizations.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781562864385

  • Pages: 48

  • Publication Date: April 2017

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF, Whitepaper

  • Product Code: 191702

About the Authors
ATD Research

ATD Research tracks trends, informs decisions, and connects research to performance. By providing comprehensive data and insightful analysis, ATD Research Reports help business leaders and workplace learning and performance professionals understand and more effectively respond to today's fast-paced workplace learning and development industry. Our research reports offer an empirical foundation for today's data-driven decision-makers, containing both quantitative and qualitative analysis about organizational learning, human capital management, training, and performance.

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