TD at Work Guide
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0815112\_TD-at-Work-Management-Collection\_Cover\_150w.jpgIn the competitive global business environment, it is critical that managers keep the professional development of their employees at the forefront. Managers often feel ill-equipped to do so, however, and in this fast-paced environment this task must be juggled with many other priorities, including keeping abreast of changes in technology, handling multiple work projects in an often accelerated schedule, and attending to their own personal development.
This TD at Work collection gives managers tools and tips to more smoothly cope with their varied responsibilities. It includes the following issues:
- The Manager’s Guide to Employee Development- Keeping Your Career on Track- Basics of E-Learning Revisited Managing the Virtual Workforce- Improving Formal Learning With Social Media- Agile and LLAMA for ISD Project Management- The Positive Workplace
Book Details
Pages: 0
Publication Date: September 2015
Formats: PDF
Product Code: 741503