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_Suite Synchronicity: Exploring the Relationship and Alignment between the CLO and the Executive Team_ _Whitepaper_ is an abridgement of the full report of the same title. Sponsored by SkillSoft, this report examines the relationship and alignment between the chief learning officer and the executive team. ASTD and i4cp collaborated to investigate the relationship between the CLO and the executive team from the perspective of successful executive-level learning practitioners. The insights, experiences, and recommendations of participants are explored to inform readers of the best practices, methodologies, and advice for aligning the CLO with the executive team and the learning function with the business strategy. This report includes synopsis of interviews with learning leaders who have successfully fostered and sustained positive and influential learning practices and relationships at high-performing organizations.
Book Details
ISBN: 9781562868062
Publication Date: December 2011
Formats: PDF
Product Code: 791105-WP