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The _State of Sales Training, 2012 Whitepaper_ is derived from the full report of the same name, and based on a study conducted by ASTD. The purpose of this report is to provide insights into sales training efforts within various organizations. Sales training is important to the sales profession, and provides some unique challenges for the learning and development staff. Conclusions and recommendations are provided in this report. Some conclusions include: * Selling skills and product training are the most common training topics. * Almost all staff members believe that sales training helps them do their job better, and the majority believed that this training is “very” or “somewhat” critical in helping to meet sales goals. * Sales team members learn differently than other professions and are most likely to learn from their peers, being formally mentored or coached, and through trial and error. This must be reflected in the trainings offered. ISBN: 9781607285380 Pages: 12 pages Publisher: ASTD Press Pub Date: January 2013 Format: PDF
Book Details
ISBN: 9781562868529
Publication Date: November 2012
Formats: PDF
Product Code: 791206-WP