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The median annual salary in talent development is between $70,000 and $79,999, a number that has remained flat since ATD last took the industry pulse in 2011. But which factors command higher salaries? How prevalent is incentive pay? And what about paid benefits such as time off and medical coverage? ATD Research surveyed 2,050 talent development professionals at all corporate levels to uncover the data. The resulting report, What Does Talent Development Pay?, takes a close look at 2015 compensation and benefit trends in the United States. Participants were primarily instructional designers and trainers with bachelor’s degrees or higher.
The compensation and benefits analysis in this report empowers talent development professionals to benchmark personal earnings and benefits and enables organizations to evaluate their offerings.
Book Details
ISBN: 9781607281382
Publication Date: October 2015
Formats: PDF
Product Code: 791520-WP