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Research Report

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Learning Technology Ecosystems


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In today’s business environment, technology is vital to the growth and advancement of all organizational departments. In talent development, technology is an essential component for creating, managing, delivering, and analyzing learning. ATD Research was interested in learning more about the tools organizations were using how often they formally audited their systems, how they managed data governance, and more about the people who managed and administered an organization’s learning technology ecosystem.

The report found four key findings:

1. While organizations have many tools available, they aren’t necessarily using all the features of each tool.

2. Only 32 percent of organizations were conducting formal reviews of their learning technology ecosystems.

3. Organizations were using data governance strategies.

Having knowledge and skills in learning technology was important for all TD professionals.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781960231901

  • Pages: 33

  • Publication Date: January 2024

  • Formats: PDF

  • Product Code: 792401

About the Authors
ATD Research

ATD Research tracks trends, informs decisions, and connects research to performance. By providing comprehensive data and insightful analysis, ATD Research Reports help business leaders and workplace learning and performance professionals understand and more effectively respond to today's fast-paced workplace learning and development industry. Our research reports offer an empirical foundation for today's data-driven decision-makers, containing both quantitative and qualitative analysis about organizational learning, human capital management, training, and performance.

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