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Research Report

The Value of Learning: Gauging the Business Impact of Organizational Learning Programs



The Value of Learning: Gauging the Business Impact of Organizational Learning Programs is an ASTD and Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) research report focused on how organizations measure the effectiveness of the learning programs and products they design and implement. This report offers both a quantitative and qualitative perspective from leaders responsible for organizational learning. This Study looks at responses of 431 learning professionals representing organizations across all sectors and of varying sizes and geographic locations that were collected in September and October of 2013. Interviews with 11 industry leaders, such as Yum! Brands, Caterpillar, and Walgreens, support and bring depth to the survey findings.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781562869052

  • Publication Date: January 2014

  • Formats: PDF

  • Product Code: 791306

791306_The Value of Learning: Gauging the Business Impact of Organizational Learning Programs
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About the Authors
ATD Research

ATD Research tracks the latest trends, identifies practices that distinguish top companies, informs decisions, and connects research to practice and performance. We provide comprehensive data and insightful analyses through in-depth reports, quarterly indices and updates, case studies of winning programs and organizations, and webcasts featuring subject matter experts and executives.