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Building a Talent Development Structure


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791504-WP_ATD Research: Building a Talent Development Structure Without Borders
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Talent development professionals build the knowledge, skills, and abilities of others and help them develop and achieve their potential so that the organizations they work for can succeed. In today’s knowledge economy, organizations need talent development functions that can support the unique competency needs of their businesses. To better understand how organizations are structuring and aligning their talent development functions, ATD and R&A partnered to identify the areas organizations most often use to build a talent development structure for meeting current and future competency needs in a world in which talent has become the engine of business.

The full title of this report is Building a Talent Development Structure Without Borders.

Book Details

  • Publication Date: November 2015

  • Formats: PDF

  • Product Code: 791504-WP

About the Authors
ATD Research

ATD Research tracks trends, informs decisions, and connects research to performance. By providing comprehensive data and insightful analysis, ATD Research Reports help business leaders and workplace learning and performance professionals understand and more effectively respond to today's fast-paced workplace learning and development industry. Our research reports offer an empirical foundation for today's data-driven decision-makers, containing both quantitative and qualitative analysis about organizational learning, human capital management, training, and performance.

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