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Research Report

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Developing New Managers

Key Elements for Success



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Developing New Managers: Key Elements for Success is a new examination of first-time manager development. The report found that many organizations were achieving strong results in developing new leaders; further, most participating organizations offered structured development programs or individual training assets specifically for new managers.

While most companies report at least some degree of success in training first-time managers, many stumbling blocks impede learning professionals’ work. From demands for new managers to be productive quickly, to timing issues with training, to failure to identify and address skills gaps, potential obstacles are commonplace. But recognizing impediments can help talent development professionals turn them into opportunities to improve and strengthen new manager training programs and the outcomes produced. This report looks at first-time people managers, sales managers, and technical managers.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781949036909

  • Pages: 48

  • Publication Date: March 2019

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF, Whitepaper

  • Product Code: 191905

191905_Developing New Managers
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About the Authors
ATD Research

ATD Research tracks trends, informs decisions, and connects research to performance. By providing comprehensive data and insightful analysis, ATD Research Reports help business leaders and workplace learning and performance professionals understand and more effectively respond to today's fast-paced workplace learning and development industry. Our research reports offer an empirical foundation for today's data-driven decision-makers, containing both quantitative and qualitative analysis about organizational learning, human capital management, training, and performance.