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Natalie Nevins

Natalie Nevins is assistant dean of clinical education at the WesternU College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific;

Targeting Traits to Improve Medical Training

A university measured emotional intelligence in medical students to help mitigate physician burnout.

By Gail Singer-Chang, Fanglong Dong , Natalie Nevins on 1 Oct, 2020

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Emotional Intelligence: Connecting Training, Education, and Medicine

The growing problem of physician burnout is linked to low emotional intelligence (EI), depression, anxiety, and poor performance outcomes. Research suggests burnout takes root in medical school, providing an opportunity to alter its course throughout training and education. Leveraging frameworks from the EQ-i 2.0 and a holistic lens to clinical education, learn how measuring and developing empathy, self-regard, and independence in osteopathic medical students can help predict and mitigate burnout. During this webcast, you will learn how to: Explore EI trends in osteopathic medical students and opportunities for structural changes to medical school curricula. Identify EI risk factors linked to physician burnout. Develop strategies to improve resiliency and increase physician autonomy.     

6 Oct, 2020

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