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Sam Whitney

Sam Whitney serves as the manager of global business development for the Arbinger Institute. With a background in international training, Sam has headed multiple training initiatives in more than 12 countries, managed learning for diverse teams and facilitated to groups on a wealth of topics, including sales strategy, culture transformation, and mindset change. In his role as manager of global business development, Sam works to develop Arbinger’s global strategy, including supporting Arbinger’s international partnerships and delivering workshops to overseas clients. He is also active in managing product distribution world wide and learning resources for Arbinger’s partners.

To Help Training Stick, Change Mindset First

Most training efforts focus on effecting behavioral change. With an outward mindset people want to act in new, more helpful ways.

By Sam Whitney on 5 Oct, 2017

Link to: https://webcasts.td.org/webinar/3185?__queryID=e87f93fd87c1e0d3fe0222ac6c3f15f6&objectID=webvent-3185&__position=3&index=atd_composable_prod_en-US
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What Is the Value of Certification?

What is the value of certification? What benefits could I receive from pursuing an ATD credential? These are some of the most common questions that we receive about of certification. To explore this issue in more detail, we conducted a survey on the value of certification over the summer. During this webcast, we will talk about the results of the Value of Certification survey and hear from a panel of credential- holders about what having a certification has done for them. During the webcast, we will explore the issues below as well as your questions for our panelists: • what more than 500 credential holders told us about the value of their certifications • what organizations gain when their employees achieve a certification • what factors to consider if you are thinking about pursuing a certification. If you are wondering whether pursuing a certification will be helpful to your career, join us to hear from Holly Batts, associate director of the ATD Certification Institute, along with Sam Caballero, CPLP; Gregory Rollins, APTD; and Whitney Sieck, CPLP—three credential holders who will share how they have found value in their ATD certifications. When you register, submit a question that you hope the presenters will answer during the webcast.  

21 Nov, 2019