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TD at Work Guide

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Create Better Multiple-Choice Questions



Developing defensible multiple-choice questions to accompany classroom, online, or blended instruction is a skill that must be mastered for successful assesment. This issue provides guidance for writing well-written multiple-choice questions, and tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes. You will learn how to build different types of multiple-choice questions; reduce or eliminate the common language problems that make multiple-choice questions confusing or ambiguous; match the level of each multiple-choice question to the level of the learning objective; test your questions before using them with learners; and use question statistics to improve your questions once they are in use.

Book Details

  • ISBN: 9781562867294

  • Pages: 16

  • Publication Date: August 2010

  • Formats: Paperback, PDF

  • Product Code: 251009

251009_Create Better Multiple-Choice Questions
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About the Authors
Patti Shank

Patti Shank, PhD, CPT, is a learning designer and analyst at Learning Peaks, an internationally recognized consulting firm that provides learning and performance consulting. She is an often-requested speaker at training and instructional technology conferences, is quoted frequently in training publications, and is the co-author of Making Sense of Online Learning, editor of The_Online Learning Idea Book_, co-editor of The E-Learning Handbook, and co-author of Essential Articulate Studio ’09.