Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics provides guidance to individuals to be self-managed talent development professionals. Clients and employers should expect the highest possible standards of personal integrity, professional competence, sound judgment, and discretion. Developed by the profession for the profession, the Code of Ethics is the public declaration of talent development professionals’ obligations to themselves, their profession, and society.
I strive to:
recognize the rights and dignities of each individual
develop human potential
provide my employer, clients, and learners with the highest level quality education, training, and development
comply with all copyright laws and the laws and regulations governing my position
keep informed of pertinent knowledge and competence in the workplace learning and talent development field
maintain confidentiality and integrity in the practice of my profession
support my peers and avoid conduct which impedes their practicing their profession
conduct myself in an ethical and honest manner
improve the public understanding of workplace learning and talent development
fairly and accurately represent my professional credentials, qualifications, experience, and ability
contribute to the continuing growth of the profession.