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TD at Work

TD at Work Print Collections

242401_Train the Trainer_Cover

Train the Trainer, Second Edition, Volume 1: Foundations and Delivery: Become a Successful Trainer

An excellent starter pack for a training department of any size, Train the Trainer Volume 1, second edition: Foundations and Delivery: Become a Successful Trainer, delivers practical wisdom...

By ATD on September 24, 2024

241901_A Strategic Approach to Talent Development

A Strategic Approach to Talent Development

To be a strategic partner with a seat at the table, talent development professionals need to demonstrate that what they do has an impact on the organization’s bottom line. They...

Published on March 15, 2019

241705_All About SMEs: Building a Successful Partnership

All About SMEs: Building a Successful Partnership

If you’re an L&D professional, you need your subject matter experts (SMEs), and your subject matter experts need you. You rely on SMEs to provide content for your courses, and...

Published on September 5, 2017

TD at Work Job Aid Collections

741603-JA_Designing Training Job Aid Collection

Designing Training Job Aid Collection

If creating training programs is part of your job, the 10 job aids in this TD at Work collection, “Designing Training,” can help. These checklists, tools, and questionnaires...

By ATD on April 22, 2016

741704-JA_10 Tools to Help Engage Your Learners (TD at Work Job Aid Collection)

10 Tools to Help Engage Your Learners (TD at Work Job Aid Collection)

When designing learning experiences, do you know which strategies will work best to engage your learners? No matter how important the information you’re sharing is, it probably won’t stick if...

By ATD on June 29, 2017

741604-JA_10 Tools for Organizational Development (TD at Work Job Aid Collection)

10 Tools for Organizational Development (TD at Work Job Aid Collection)

Effective organization development requires planning and constant refinement. If you're embarking on a major cultural or organizational shift, "10 Tools for Organizational Development" can help you assess where you are,...

By ATD on July 12, 2016

TD at Work Digital-Only Collections

742002_A Best Practices Guide to Healthcare Development

A Best Practices Guide to Healthcare Development

Healthcare workers face numerous challenges both inside and outside of their healthcare organizations. That is even more so the case since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. But talent development professionals play...

Published on September 10, 2020

741902_Securing Buy-In for Change

Securing Buy-In for Change

To be competitive in today’s business climate, organizations need to change: their customers demand it, and competition requires it. But it’s not necessarily easy; change often brings anxiety with it....

Published on July 10, 2019

741606_Improving Your Organizational Culture: A TD at Work Collection (PDF)

Improving Your Organizational Culture: ATD at Work Collection

Want to make sure your company's culture is developing in a way that benefits your employees and your business? How can you build a culture where employees are always growing...

By ATD Staff on September 16, 2016

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