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ATD Press is an internationally renowned source of insightful and practical information on talent development and professional development.

Essential Books for HR Professionals

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Promotions Are So Yesterday

Audiobook Available on Amazon and Audible.

Promotions Are So Yesterday is the recipient of the 2023 Bronze Medal from the Axiom Business Book Awards in the category...

By Julie Winkle Giulioni on March 8, 2022

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Connection Culture, 2nd Edition

Audiobook Available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes

Tap Into the Power of Human Connection

Creating a thriving organization where employees feel valued, the environment is energized,...

By Michael Lee Stallard on September 22, 2020


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Trainers

Make DEI Training Foundational in Your Organization

When done well, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training creates space for courageous conversations that acknowledge hard truths around systemic inequities and explores...

By Maria Morukian on January 11, 2022

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Succession Planning Basics

Design your succession planning strategy.

Succession Planning Basics will equip you with the background and implementation tools you need to devise and execute a forward-thinking succession planning program for...

Published on March 10, 2020

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Effective Onboarding

Onboarding turns the key, opening the door to talent development

Investing in onboarding means investing in employee success and the business of the future. Effective onboarding programs both increase and...

By Norma Dávila, Wanda Piña-Ramírez on September 18, 2018

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Organization Development Basics

A primer on the broad field of organization development (OD) and a foundation for understanding of the tools, practices, and core skills of the OD practitioner.

Organizational Development Basics...

Published on August 1, 2005